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2    WHEREAS, The railroad industry plays a critical role in
3the transportation of goods across the nation; however,
4certain practices and conditions associated with train
5operations have raised concerns regarding environmental
6impact, public safety, and community well-being; and
7    WHEREAS, Idling freight trains contribute to air pollution
8and adversely affect the air quality in nearby communities,
9and the routing of hazardous materials throughout the country
10creates significant risks to public safety and the
11environment; and
12    WHEREAS, Additionally, the operation of long freight
13trains can divide communities, impede emergency response
14times, and increase the risk of derailments, posing threats to
15both residents and infrastructure; and
16    WHEREAS, Immediate action is needed to address delays that
17result in idling freight trains, which have harmful
18environmental impacts on our local communities and create
19blocked at-grade crossings, which adversely impact public
20safety and harm economic development; and
21    WHEREAS, The placement of grade separations would increase



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1the capacity by allowing constant flow in all directions,
2thereby removing crossing traffic from intersections and
3improving the safety of our roadways through reducing
4vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-pedestrian conflicts and
5collisions; and
6    WHEREAS, The long-term benefits of reduced air pollution,
7enhanced public safety, and minimized risks of derailments can
8result in significant cost savings for both the government and
9affected communities; and
10    WHEREAS, By addressing these critical concerns and
11implementing proposed policy measures, we can protect the
12environment from air pollution, ensure train safety, reduce
13risks associated with the transportation of hazardous
14materials, and promote the well-being of communities across
15the State; therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge Congress and
18the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), in collaboration
19with local and other relevant stakeholders, to take immediate
20action to address delays that result in idling freight trains
21by installing additional tracks or other measures in order to
22reduce environmental impacts and blocked at-grade crossings;
23and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That we urge the FRA to create recommendations
2on the strategic placement of grade separations and mandate
3reasonable lengths of freight trains as determined by
4comprehensive federal studies and assessments that identify
5risks associated with long freight trains and encourage the
6reduction of the length of trains, including public safety
7impacts and any increased risks of derailment; and be it
9    RESOLVED, That we urge the FRA, in order to enhance public
10safety and minimize the risks associated with the
11transportation of hazardous materials, to undertake a study to
12determine safer, innovative methods of routing these materials
13through the country, with the study incorporating a full
14assessment of railways in relation to critical infrastructure
15and explosive materials, including fueling stations and gas
16lines, an assessment of community communication with an
17emphasis on first responders, a review of safety standards for
18rail cars, a consideration of the use of advanced technology
19and risk assessment tools to determine the safest and most
20efficient routing options for hazardous materials, and a
21current assessment of track conditions; and be it further
22    RESOLVED, That we support funding for impacted counties
23for research, development, and collaboration efforts.