SR1102LRB103 41196 ECR 74413 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Louis Leonard "Lou" Bringle of
4Springfield, who passed away on June 11, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle was born to Louis Oliver and
6Josephine (Rimkus) Bringle in Springfield on March 16, 1937;
7he married Mary Ann Pemberton on May 3, 1958; he earned his
8bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois Springfield;
10    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle worked as an engineering technician V
11in the Bureau of Bridges Hydraulic Unit at the Illinois
12Department of Transportation, providing exemplary service for
1342 years; his commitment and expertise earned him being named
14Engineer Technician of the Year by the American Society of
15Certified Engineering Technicians; and
16    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle was an active member of Christ the
17King Church; he belonged to various organizations, including
18the Aqua Sports Club and Knights of Columbus Council 364 as a
194th Degree Knight; he volunteered as a scout master for the Boy
20Scouts of America and as a coach for his children's sports
21teams; he also made regular donations to St. John's Breadline;



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1    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle loved traveling with his wife, Mary
2Ann, cooking his favorite chili recipes, and cheering on his
3grandchildren at their sporting events; he enjoyed playing
4softball, golfing, and bowling; and
5    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle embraced each moment with enthusiasm
6and a zest for life; he will be remembered for his legacy of
7love and service and his unwavering dedication to his family,
8friends, and community; and
9    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle was preceded in death by his parents;
10his son, Brian Patrick Bringle; and his siblings, JoAnn
11Bringle, Robert (Eva) Bringle, and Eleanor (Harold) Bishop;
13    WHEREAS, Lou Bringle is survived by his wife of 66 years,
14Mary Ann; his daughters, Lu Ann (Dennis) Kamstra, Karen (Kevin
15Fron) Bringle, and Patricia (Douglas) Williams; and his
16grandchildren, Aspen Williams, Talon Williams, and Marisa
17(Alexander) Higgins; therefore, be it
19ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
20Louis Leonard "Lou" Bringle and extend our sincere condolences
21to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be



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1it further
2    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3presented to the family of Lou Bringle as an expression of our
4deepest sympathy.