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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Mary Lynn Kelly, who passed away on
4May 26, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly was born on March 1, 1936 to Margaret
6Kelly, who was recently widowed after the death of her husband
7Leonard Kelly; she attended St. Agnes Grade School, Sacred
8Heart Academy, Springfield College in Illinois, Lincoln Land
9Community College, and the University of Illinois; and
10    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly was a trailblazer for Marine Bank; she
11suggested they step into a leadership role and help
12Springfield women by educating them about credit, money
13management, and estate and retirement planning before it was
14required by the federal government; as a certified meeting
15professional for the bank, she regularly organized and hosted
16customer conferences at a variety of sites, including the
17Dallas Cowboys' stadium, Alcatraz, the U.S.S. Springfield,
18Colonial Williamsburg, and many more; one of her favorite
19accomplishments was the Student of the Year program, which
20continues to this day; she retired as vice president for
21marketing and corporate relations at Marine Bank/Bank One,
22Illinois; and



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1    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly worked with the United Way, the
2Springfield Area Arts Council, Catholic Charities, the
3Sangamon County Red Cross, the Springfield Historical Sites
4Commission, St. John's Breadline, and other organizations for
5the betterment of her community; and
6    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly had a big heart; she served as a Girl
7Scout leader and taught 4th grade religion classes at Christ
8the King School; she also taught adult swim classes as a Red
9Cross water safety instructor and particularly enjoyed
10teaching disabled children to swim; and
11    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly's happy place was at the beaches in
12Naples, Florida or at Island Bay Yacht Club, where she
13maintained an Admiral Membership; she also spent many years
14wintering in Goodland, Florida, spending time with family and
15friends, boating and watching sunsets; at Christmas time, if
16you were lucky enough to be on the receiving end, you enjoyed
17her famous "award winning" peanut brittle as a welcomed gift;
19    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly was preceded in death by her parents;
20her infant sister, Marjorie; and her siblings, Tom and Don
21Kelly and Janet Ray Dodsworth; and
22    WHEREAS, Mary Kelly is survived by her children, Jon



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1(Melanie) Greeley, Lizabeth Cuenya, Laurie (Mark)
2Diefenthaler, Kelly Greeley (Neville Patkus), and Susan
3Bartholf; 13 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; one
4great-great-grandchild; and her beloved dog, Mickie;
5therefore, be it
7ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
8Mary Lynn Kelly and extend our sincere condolences to her
9family, friends, and all who knew and loved her; and be it
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Mary Kelly as an expression of our
13deepest sympathy.