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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Gene W. Puschel of Springfield, who
4passed away on May 22, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel was born to Gene A. and Margaret
6(Riley) Puschel in Springfield on December 19, 1957; he
7attended George Washington University in Washington, D.C.,
8where he was an editor of the school newspaper and a member of
9Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity; he married Katherine R. Hutt in
101984, and they raised their family in Vienna, Virginia before
11amicably divorcing in 2005; and
12    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel lived in the Washington, D.C. area
13for 27 years, during which he worked in technology sales for
14top news organizations Congressional Quarterly, Washington
15Post, UPI, Reuters, and Dow Jones; he also volunteered for the
16presidential campaigns of Gary Hart and Al Gore; after moving
17back to Springfield, Illinois, he frequently returned to
18Washington, D.C. to proudly support his children's theatrical
19pursuits and other activities; and
20    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel earned a degree in history from the
21University of Illinois Springfield, where he conducted
22research for Lincoln scholar and author Dr. Michael



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1Burlingame; he then worked as a park ranger at the Lincoln Home
2National Historic Site and as an historic interpreter at the
3Old State Capitol, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library,
4and the Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices; he became renowned for
5his in-depth knowledge of President Lincoln's life and career,
6and he was a popular fixture at Springfield's historic sites;
7at the time of his death, he was doing preliminary research for
8a tour based on the political career of President Barack
9Obama, and he had recently been elected as a Democratic
10Precinct Committeeperson for Woodside Township; and
11    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel was a consummate traveler,
12journeying to approximately 20 countries; most memorably, he
13toured the then-Soviet Union with a group of professional
14geographers for three weeks in 1981; when the tour ended, he
15ventured across the continent on the Trans-Siberian Express
16under the watchful eye of his own personal KGB escort; during a
17trip to Germany in 1990, he and his wife, Katherine, helped
18tear down the Berlin Wall; he completed his most recent trip,
19visiting Ireland with friends from Darcy's Pint in
20Springfield, just a few months ago; and
21    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel loved visiting family and friends in
22New York; he was also a passionate and lifelong participant in
23organ donor programs; and



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1    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel was preceded in death by his parents
2and his sister, Joyce A. Reitman; and
3    WHEREAS, Gene Puschel is survived by his son, William Gene
4Puschel; his daughter, Katherine Margaret (Justin Perez)
5Puschel; his sister, Peggy Elizabeth (Tom) Luthy; his brother,
6William (Rachel) Puschel; his brother-in-law, Leslie Reitman;
7seven nieces and nephews; and his friends; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
10Gene W. Puschel and extend our sincere condolences to his
11family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to the family of Gene Puschel as an expression of our
15deepest sympathy.