SR1061LRB103 41117 ECR 74334 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Francis Edward "Frank" Bockman of
4Aledo, who passed away on June 6, 2024; and
5    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman was born to Albert and Catherine
6(Shephard) Bockman in Pontiac on December 10, 1942; he served
7in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam; he married Thomasine "Tommie"
8Cannell in Rockford on December 28, 1974; and
9    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman taught sales and marketing at the
10Whiteside Area Vocational Center and through a work study
11program in Moline; he served as superintendent for school
12districts in Westmer, Freeport, Elgin, Cherry, and Bureau
13Valley; he last worked as interim superintendent for the Aledo
14School District; and
15    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman was a member of the Aledo Kiwanis
16Club and the Plus 60 Club, and he served on the board of the
17Mercer County Senior Center; and
18    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman cherished his time with his
19children, and he loved spending time with his dogs; and
20    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman was known as a talented storyteller



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1and comedian who also possessed a beautiful singing voice; he
2will be remembered as a man of integrity who spent his life
3teaching others in and out of the classroom; and
4    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman was preceded in death by his
5parents; his stepmother, Pauline Bockman; his stepfather,
6Gerald Ryerson; and his stepbrother, Gene Tucker; and
7    WHEREAS, Frank Bockman is survived by his wife of 49
8years, Tommie Cannell; his son, Edward Bockman; his daughter,
9Catherine (Joseph Stanbary) Bockman; and his half brother,
10Thomas (Deb) Ryerson; therefore, be it
12ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
13Francis Edward "Frank" Bockman and extend our sincere
14condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved
15him; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to the family of Frank Bockman as an expression of
18our deepest sympathy.