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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to recognize the value of Registered
4Apprenticeship programs during National Apprenticeship Week,
5November 17 to November 23, 2024; and
6    WHEREAS, National Apprenticeship Week is an annual event
7that brings attention to the critical role that Registered
8Apprenticeship programs play in generating opportunities,
9enabling apprentices to learn and earn on an accelerated
10industry pathway in preparation for high-caliber employment
11and lucrative careers across the country; and
12    WHEREAS, In the United States, there is an urgent need to
13train and maintain a distributed, inclusive, and highly
14qualified workforce that can support our economy and meet the
15needs of America's industries; and
16    WHEREAS, Registered Apprenticeship programs play a key
17role in expanding opportunities in our workforce that are
18inclusive of individuals who have been historically
19underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by
20persistent poverty and inequality, thus providing a path for
21all qualified individuals, including women, youth, people of
22color, rural communities, justice-involved individuals, and



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1individuals with disabilities, to become apprentices and
2contribute to America's industries; and
3    WHEREAS, President Joseph R. "Joe" Biden Jr., in signing
4Executive Order 14119, has expanded the use of Registered
5Apprenticeships and promoted labor-management forums across
6federal agencies; and
7    WHEREAS, The House Committee on Education and the
8Workforce has understood the importance of aligning the goals
9and objectives of the U.S. Department of Education and the
10U.S. Department of Labor, as the Registered Apprenticeship
11system is America's most successful federally authorized
12workforce development program; according to the Department of
13Labor, 93% of people who complete an Registered Apprenticeship
14are employed upon completion, earning an average starting wage
15of above $77,000 annually; additionally, businesses earn $1.44
16back for every dollar invested toward their apprentices in a
17Registered Apprenticeship program; and
18    WHEREAS, The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
19Act has addressed some of our country's most pressing
20workforce challenges, such as rebuilding our infrastructure,
21meeting the demands of our vital supply chains, assisting a
22workforce focused on clean energy, updating our cybersecurity
23response, and addressing concerns related to the care economy;



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2    WHEREAS, The Workforce Innovation Network (WIN), and the
3Black Community Providers Network (BCPN) have acknowledged
4that Registered Apprenticeship programs are critical towards
5enhancing job quality and ensuring that everyone, including
6youth and young adults, have access to well-paying,
7family-sustaining jobs, and these organizations will convene a
8series of national events from November 17 to November 23,
92024 in celebration of National Apprenticeship Week;
10therefore, be it
13we recognize the value of Registered Apprenticeship programs
14during National Apprenticeship Week, November 17 to November
1523, 2024; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That we commend the Workforce Innovation Network
17(WIN) and the Black Community Providers Network (BCPN) for
18their support of registered apprenticeship, industry
19awareness, and the expansion of apprenticeship, especially
20during National Apprenticeship Week; and be it further
21    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
22presented to the Workforce Innovation Network (WIN) and the



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1Black Community Providers Network (BCPN) as an expression of
2our esteem and respect.