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2 | WHEREAS, The College Insurance Program provides health | ||||||
3 | insurance for retired community college professionals; and
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4 | WHEREAS, The College Insurance Program has experienced | ||||||
5 | extensive financial challenges over the past decade; and
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6 | WHEREAS, Retired community college professionals rely upon | ||||||
7 | this program, in some cases as their sole source of health | ||||||
8 | insurance, during their retirement and as a supplement to | ||||||
9 | Medicare upon eligibility; and
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10 | WHEREAS, The College Insurance Program is currently | ||||||
11 | experiencing a billing hold cycle and is running a deficit on | ||||||
12 | an annual basis; and | ||||||
13 | WHEREAS, It is essential that the State of Illinois honor | ||||||
14 | its commitment to retired educators who have devoted their | ||||||
15 | careers to the improvement of the economic prospects for | ||||||
16 | countless students in Illinois; and
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17 | WHEREAS, The increasing need for community college faculty | ||||||
18 | and staff requires that a reliable and valuable set of | ||||||
19 | benefits be provided in order to attract and retain | ||||||
20 | prospective educators; therefore, be it
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3 | SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that the College Insurance Program | ||||||
4 | Task Force is created to study the College Insurance Program | ||||||
5 | and present policy and legislative recommendations to the | ||||||
6 | General Assembly; and be it further | ||||||
7 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall consist of the | ||||||
8 | following members, who shall serve without compensation: | ||||||
9 | (1) One member of the Illinois Senate appointed by the | ||||||
10 | Senate President, who shall serve as co-chair; | ||||||
11 | (2) One member of the Illinois House appointed by the | ||||||
12 | Speaker of the House, who shall serve as co-chair; | ||||||
13 | (3) One member of the Illinois Senate appointed by the | ||||||
14 | Senate Minority Leader; | ||||||
15 | (4) One member of the Illinois House appointed by the | ||||||
16 | House Minority Leader; | ||||||
17 | (5) The Chair of the Illinois Community College Board, | ||||||
18 | or his or her designee; | ||||||
19 | (6) One member from an organization representing | ||||||
20 | community college trustees appointed by the Senate | ||||||
21 | President; | ||||||
22 | (7) One member from an organization representing | ||||||
23 | community college presidents appointed the Speaker of the | ||||||
24 | House; |
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1 | (8) One member from an organization representing | ||||||
2 | college retirees appointed by the Senate Minority Leader; | ||||||
3 | (9) One member from an organization representing | ||||||
4 | county assessors appointed by the House Minority Leader; | ||||||
5 | and | ||||||
6 | (10) Two members from separate organizations | ||||||
7 | representing community college staff and faculty appointed | ||||||
8 | by the Governor; and be it further | ||||||
9 | RESOLVED, That the Illinois Department of Central | ||||||
10 | Management Services shall provide administrative support for | ||||||
11 | the Task Force; and be it further | ||||||
12 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall conduct a minimum of | ||||||
13 | two public hearings in at least two different counties within | ||||||
14 | the State at the call of the co-chairs; and be it further | ||||||
15 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall convene a wide array | ||||||
16 | of stakeholders to examine the current state of the College | ||||||
17 | Insurance Program and present a recommendation to the General | ||||||
18 | Assembly to ensure the program remains a viable and healthy | ||||||
19 | benefit; and be it further | ||||||
20 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall submit its final | ||||||
21 | report to the General Assembly no later than January 1, 2025, | ||||||
22 | and upon the filing of its final report, is dissolved; and be |
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1 | it further
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2 | RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be | ||||||
3 | delivered to the Senate President, the Speaker of the House, | ||||||
4 | the Senate Minority Leader, the House Minority Leader, the | ||||||
5 | Chair of the Illinois Community College Board, and the | ||||||
6 | Governor.