State of Illinois
Introduced 2/16/2023, by Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth
Makes appropriations for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, as follows:
General Funds $ 6,343,934,966
Other State Funds $ 2,214,621,719
Federal Funds $ 4,876,127,284
Total $13,434,683,969
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 1. The sum of $782,207,200, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for ordinary and contingent expenses of the department, permanent improvements and for student, member or inmate compensation expenses of the department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
Section 2. The amount of $10,334,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for ordinary and contingent expenses associated with the Office of the Inspector General.
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than 1 percent of the total appropriation of General Revenue Funds in Section 1 to Section 2 above among the various purposes therein enumerated.
Section 5. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Respectively, for the object and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For all costs associated with technical
assistance and navigation of the Grant
Accountability and Transparency Act requirements.... 500,000
For the purposes set forth in
subsection (d) of Section 12-4.50 of the
Illinois Public Aid Code........................... 500,000
For grants and administrative expenses
for the Illinois Migrant Council for
migrant services.................................... 90,000
For grants and administrative expenses
of the West Side Justice Center to implement
the Access to Justice Program.................... 7,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
of the Resurrection Project to implement
the Access to Justice Program.................... 7,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
Of the Transgender, Gender Non-conforming,
And Intersex (TGI) Wellness and Equity Program
focused on coordinating inclusive health,
wellness, employment, housing supports, education
and other services............................. 3,000,000
For operational costs associated with the
Development and enhancement of information
and technology services related to Child and
Adolescent care................................ 1,500,000
Payable from the Illinois Broadband Adoption Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Illinois Broadband
Adoption Fund Act............................ 100,000,000
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with reimbursements received
by the Federal Public Assistance Grant Program
to Private non-for-profits..................... 50,000,000
Section 10. The sum of $130,000,000, or so much thereof as may necessary is appropriated to the Department of Human Services from the DHS State Projects Fund for ordinary and contingent expenses, grants and administrative expenses of the department including COVID-19 response and mitigation, including prior year costs.
Section 15. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for income assistance and related distributive purposes, including such Federal funds as are made available by the Federal Government for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Aid to Aged, Blind or Disabled
under Article III............................. 31,504,700
For Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families under Article IV and other
social services including Emergency
Assistance for families with
Dependent Children........................... 200,000,000
For Refugees.................................... 1,126,700
For Funeral and Burial Expenses under
Articles III, IV, and V, including
prior year costs............................... 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Child Care Services, including
prior year costs............................. 610,599,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Refugee Social Services........... 204,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Immigrant Integration
Services and for other Immigrant Services
pursuant to 305 ILCS 5/12-4.34................. 38,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Illinois
Welcoming Centers............................. 25,000,000
Payable from the DHS State Projects Fund
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with the Illinois
Welcoming Centers............................. 80,000,000
Total $991,434,400
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than ten percent of the total appropriation of General Revenue Funds in Section 15 above "For Income Assistance and Related Distributive Purposes" among the various purposes therein enumerated.
Section 17. The amount of $120,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the DHS Federal Projects Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with eviction mitigation including homelessness prevention and related services.
Section 18. The sum of $198,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Department of Human Services for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program authorized by Section 3201 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance, to fund the permitted purposes of the program including grants for emergency rental assistance and associated administrative costs.
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for ordinary and contingent expenses:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For expenses related to CMS
Fleet Management....................................... 0
For expenses related to Graphic
Design Management...................................... 0
Payable from DHS Technology Initiative Fund:
For Expenses of the Framework Project........... 10,000,000
Section 25. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For expenses of Indirect Costs Principles.............. 100
Payable from the Mental Health Fund:
For expenses associated with Mental
Health and Developmental Disabilities
Special Projects.............................. 50,000,000
For expenses associated with DHS
interagency Support Services.................... 3,000,000
Payable from the Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 5,398,400
For Retirement Contributions..................... 2,861,200
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 413,000
For Group Insurance............................. 1,789,100
For Contractual Services......................... 1,500,000
For Travel........................................ 136,000
For Commodities................................... 136,500
For Printing....................................... 87,000
For Equipment..................................... 298,600
For Telecommunications Services.................. 1,226,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment..................... 50,000
Total $13,896,300
Payable from the DHS State Projects Fund:
For expenses associated with Energy
Conservation and Efficiency programs.............. 500,000
Payable from the DHS Private Resources Fund:
For grants and expenses associated with
Human Services Activities funded by grants or
private donations................................ 200,000
Payable from DHS Recoveries Trust Fund:
For ordinary and contingent expenses............ 22,263,000
For ordinary and contingent expenses
associated with the Grant
Accountability efforts......................... 5,000,000
Section 30. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services as follows:
Payable from the Vocational
Rehabilitation Fund:............................... 5,076,200
Payable from the DHS Special Purposes Trust Fund:...... 200,000
Payable from the Old Age Survivors
Insurance Fund:.................................... 2,878,600
Payable from USDA Women, Infants
and Children Fund:.................................... 80,000
Payable from Local Initiative Fund:.................... 25,000
Payable from Maternal and Child
Health Services Block Grant Fund:..................... 40,000
Payable from DHS Recoveries Trust Fund:............... 300,000
Total $8,599,800
Section 35. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Tort Claims................................... 475,000
For Reimbursement of Employees
for Work-Related Personal
Property Damages.................................. 10,900
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Tort Claims.................................... 10,000
Total $495,900
Section 40. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services as follows:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:...................... 7,700
Payable from Mental Health Fund:.................... 2,000,000
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:............. 5,000
Payable from Drug Treatment Fund:....................... 5,000
Payable from Sexual Assault Services Fund:................ 400
Payable from Early Intervention Services
Revolving Fund:..................................... 300,000
Payable from DHS Federal Projects Fund:................ 25,000
Payable from USDA Women, Infants
and Children Fund:................................... 200,000
Payable from Maternal and Child Health
Services Block Grant Fund:............................. 5,000
Payable from Youth Drug Abuse
Prevention Fund:..................................... 30,000
Total $2,578,100
Section 45. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for ordinary and contingent expenses:
Payable from Mental Health Fund:
For expenses related to the provision of
MIS support services provided to Departmental
and Non-Departmental organizations.............. 6,636,600
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services............................. 482,700
For Retirement Contributions...................... 255,800
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 36,900
For Group Insurance................................ 82,600
For Contractual Services.......................... 705,000
For Information Technology Management............ 2,280,700
For Travel......................................... 10,000
For Commodities.................................... 30,600
For Printing........................................ 5,800
For Equipment...................................... 50,000
For Telecommunications Services.................. 1,550,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment...................... 2,800
Total $5,492,900
Payable from USDA Women, Infants and
Children Fund:
For Personal Services............................. 330,200
For Retirement Contributions...................... 175,000
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 25,300
For Group Insurance................................ 55,000
For Contractual Services........................... 25,400
For Contractual Services:
For Information Technology Management........... 1,000,000
Total $1,610,900
Payable from the Maternal and
Child Health Services Block Grant Fund:
For operational expenses associated
with the support of Maternal and
Child Health Programs............................ 458,100
Section 50. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Old Age Survivors Insurance Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 41,041,100
For Retirement Contributions.................... 21,751,800
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 3,318,900
For Group Insurance............................ 12,661,400
For Contractual Services........................ 11,601,800
For Travel........................................ 198,000
For Commodities................................... 379,100
For Printing...................................... 384,000
For Equipment................................... 1,600,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 1,404,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment....................... 100
Total $94,341,800
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Old Age Survivors Insurance Fund:
For grants and services to
Disabled Individuals, including
prior year costs.............................. 25,000,000
Section 60. The following named amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Home Services Program,
pursuant to 20 ILCS 2405/3, including
prior year costs:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund.......... 823,572,400
Payable from the Home Services Medicaid
Trust Fund................................... 256,000,000
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion General Revenue Funds in Section 60 “For Home Services Program Grants-in-Aid” to Section 80 “For Mental Health Grants and Program Support Grants-in-Aid and Purchased Care” and Section 90 “For Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support Grants-in-Aid and Purchased Care” as a result of transferring clients to the appropriate community-based service system.
Section 65. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Community Mental Health
Services Block Grant Fund:
For Personal Services............................. 547,900
For Retirement Contributions...................... 290,400
For State Contributions to Social Security.......... 41,900
For Group Insurance............................... 137,600
For Contractual Services......................... 2,819,400
For Travel......................................... 20,000
For Commodities..................................... 5,000
For Equipment....................................... 5,000
Total $3,867,200
Section 70. The sum of $306,887,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for expenses associated with the operation of State Operated Mental Health Facilities or the costs associated with services for the transition of State Operated Mental Health Facilities residents to alternative community settings.
Section 75. The sum of $57,781,500, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with the Department’s rebalancing efforts pursuant to 20 ILCS 1305/1-50 and in support of the Department’s efforts to expand home and community-based services, including rebalancing and transition costs associated with compliance with consent decrees, including prior year costs.
Section 80. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for Grants-In-Aid and Purchased Care in its various regions pursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of the Community Services Act and the Community Mental Health Act:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For grants to the National Alliance on
Mental Illness for mental health services......... 180,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Purchase and
Disbursement of Psychotropic Medications
for Mentally Ill Clients in the Community....... 1,381,800
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Evaluation Determinations,
Disposition, and Assessment..................... 1,200,000
For the Administrative and
Programmatic Expenses of Community
Transition and System Rebalancing
for the Colbert Consent Decree including
Prior Year Expenses........................... 56,677,500 For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Supportive MI Housing.......... 22,713,800
For all costs and administrative expenses
for Community Service Programs for
Persons with Mental Illness, Child
With Mental Illness, Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Programs and
Mental Health Transitions or
State Operated Mental Health Facilities,
including prior year costs.................... 169,761,900
Payable from the Mental Health Reporting Fund:
For grants related to Mental Health Treatment.... 5,000,000
Payable from the First Responder Behavioral Health Grant Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with the First Responder
Behavioral Health Grant Program
Pursuant to Public Act 102-911................ 10,000,000
Payable from the Health and Human
Services Medicaid Trust Fund:
For grants for the Mental Health
Home-Based Program............................. 1,300,000
Payable from the Department of Human
Services Community Services Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
related to Community Service Programs for
Persons with Mental Illness.................... 15,000,000
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
related to Community Service Programs for
Persons with Mental Illness.................... 16,036,100
Payable from Community Mental Health
Medicaid Trust Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Medicaid Services and
Community Services for Persons with
Mental Illness, including prior year costs..... 70,000,000
Payable from the Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses of
9-8-8 Call Centers and Crisis Response
Services ...................................... 5,000,000
Payable from the Community Mental Health
Services Block Grant Fund:
For grants to Community Service Programs
for Persons with Mental Illness................ 50,000,000
For grants to Community Service Programs
for Children and Adolescents with
Mental Illness................................. 4,341,800
For grants and administrative costs
associated with the American Rescue
Plan Act Mental Health Block Grant............. 25,000,000
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than 10 percent of the total appropriation of General Revenue Funds in Section 80 above among the various purposes therein enumerated.
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion General Revenue Funds in Section 80 “For Mental Health Grants and Program Support Grants-in-Aid and Purchased Care” to either Section 60 “For Home Services Program Grants-in-Aid” and Section 90 “For Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support Grants-in-Aid and Purchased Care” as a result of transferring clients to the appropriate community-based service system.
Section 85. The sum of $373,961,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for expenses associated with the operation of State Operated Developmental Centers or the costs associated with services for the transition of State Operated Developmental Center residents to alternative community settings.
Section 90. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for Grants-In-Aid and Purchased Care in its various regions pursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of the Community Services Act and the Community Mental Health Act:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For a grant to the ARC of Illinois for
the Life Span Project............................ 471,400
For a grant to Best Buddies........................ 977,500
For Dental Grants for people with
Developmental Disabilities........................ 995,900
For grants associated with
Epilepsy Services.............................. 2,098,000
For grants associated with
Respite Services............................... 6,744,300
For a grant to the Autism Program for
an Autism Diagnosis Education
Program for Individuals......................... 4,800,000
For grants and administrative expenses
for Community-Based Services for
Persons with Developmental Disabilities
and for Intermediate Care Facilities for
the Developmentally Disabled and
Alternative Community Programs, including
prior year costs........................... 1,929,995,100
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the provision of
Specialized Services to Persons with
Developmental Disabilities, including
prior year costs............................... 7,675,800
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Developmental Disability
Quality Assurance Waiver, including
prior year costs................................. 480,600
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Developmental Disability
Community Transitions or State
Operated Facilities, including
prior year costs............................... 5,201,600
For grants and administrative
costs associated with young adults
Transitioning from the Department of
Children and Family Services to the
Developmental Disability Service System,
including prior year costs...................... 2,471,600
Payable from the Mental Health Fund:
For Community-Based Services for Persons
with Developmental Disabilities, including
prior year costs............................... 9,965,600
Payable from the Special Olympics Illinois
and Special Children’s Charities Fund:
For grants to Special Olympics Illinois.......... 1,500,000
For grants to Special Children’s Charities......... 500,000
Payable from the Developmental Disabilities
Awareness Fund:
For Developmental Disabilities Legal
Aid Grants....................................... 100,000
Payable from the Community Developmental
Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Community-Based Services for
Persons with Developmental Disabilities,
including prior year costs...................... 90,000,000
Payable from the Autism Research Checkoff Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with autism research.................... 25,000
Payable from the Care Provider Fund for
Persons with a Developmental Disability:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Intermediate Care Facilities
for the Developmentally Disabled and Alternative
Community Programs, including prior year
costs......................................... 45,000,000
Payable from the Health and Human
Services Medicaid Trust Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with developmental and/or mental
health programs, including prior
year costs.................................... 42,400,000
Payable from the Autism Care Fund:
For grants to the Autism Society of Illinois........ 50,000
Payable from the Autism Awareness Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with autism awareness................... 50,000
Payable from the Department of Human
Services Community Services Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Community-Based Services for
persons with developmental disabilities
and system rebalancing initiatives, including
prior year costs.............................. 52,000,000
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with lifespan respite care program ..... 500,000
Payable from the Special Olympics Illinois Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Special Olympics................... 50,000
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion General Revenue Funds in Section 90 “For Developmental Disabilities Grants and Program Support Grants-in-Aid and Purchased Care” to Section 60 “For Home Services Program Grants-in-Aid” and Section 80 “For Mental Health Grants and Program Support Grants-in-Aid and Purchased Care” as a result of transferring clients to the appropriate community-based service system.
Section 95. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department
of Human Services:
Payable from Prevention and Treatment
of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Block Grant Fund:
For Personal Services........................... 3,641,900
For Retirement Contributions..................... 1,930,200
For State Contributions to Social Security......... 278,600
For Group Insurance............................. 1,045,900
For Contractual Services......................... 2,500,000
For Travel........................................ 200,000
For Commodities.................................... 53,800
For Printing....................................... 35,000
For Equipment...................................... 14,300
For Electronic Data Processing..................... 300,000
For Telecommunications Services.................... 117,800
For Operation of Auto Equipment..................... 20,000
For Expenses Associated with the
Administration of the Alcohol and
Substance Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Programs............................... 215,000
Total $10,352,500
Section 100. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For expenses associated with Community-
Based Addiction Treatment to Medicaid
Eligible and AllKids clients, including
Prior Year Costs.............................. 15,521,100
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Community-Based
Addiction Treatment and Related Services,
including housing and other supports,
including prior year costs.................... 98,508,900
For grants associated with Addiction
Treatment Services for DCFS clients............. 5,802,400
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Addiction Treatment
Services for Special Populations................ 6,098,200
For grants and administrative costs
associated with a pilot program to
study uses and effects of medication
assisted treatments for addiction and
for the prevention of relapse to
opioid dependence in publicly-funded
treatment program................................ 500,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Addiction Prevention
and related services........................... 1,674,000
Payable from the Prevention and Treatment
of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Block
Grant Fund:
For Addiction Treatment and
Related Services............................. 107,100,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Addiction Prevention and
Related services.............................. 24,000,000
For grants and administrative costs
associated with the American Rescue Plan
Act Substance Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Block Grant......................... 25,000,000
Payable from the Group Home Loan Revolving Fund:
For underwriting the cost of housing for
groups of recovering individuals.................. 200,000
Payable from the Youth Alcoholism and
Substance Abuse Prevention Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Addiction Prevention and
related services............................... 2,050,000
Payable from State Gaming Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Treatment and Prevention
of Compulsive Gambling........................ 10,000,000
Payable from the Drunk and Drugged
Driving Prevention Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Addiction Treatment and
Related Services, including
prior year costs............................... 3,212,200
Payable from the Drug Treatment Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Cannabis Regulation and
Tax Act........................................ 8,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Addiction Treatment and
Related Services............................... 5,105,800
Payable from the Department of Human Services
Community Services Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Cannabis Regulation
and Tax Act.................................. 105,000,000
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Prevention of Prescription
Drug Overdose Related Deaths.................... 2,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the COVID-19 Emergency
Grants to Address Mental and
Substance Use Disorders......................... 5,000,000
Payable from the DHS State Projects Fund:
For expenses related to the Opioid
Overdose Prevention Program....................... 300,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the national opioid
settlement.................................... 20,000,000
Payable from the Alcoholism and Substance
Abuse Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with Addiction Treatment,
Prevention and Related Services............... 71,500,000
Payable from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
related to the Tobacco Enforcement Program...... 2,800,000
Payable from the Illinois Opioid Remediation
State Trust Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the national opioid
settlement ................................... 88,000,000
Payable from the Youth Drug Abuse
Prevention Fund:
For Addiction Treatment and Related Services....... 530,000
The Department, with the consent in writing from the Governor, may reapportion not more than ten percent of the total appropriation of General Revenue Funds in Section 100 above "Addiction Treatment" among the purposes therein enumerated.
Section 105. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Personal Services.......................... 45,287,400
For Retirement Contributions.................... 24,002,400
For State Contributions to Social Security....... 3,511,800
For Group Insurance............................ 15,105,500
For Contractual Services....................... 12,000,000
For Travel...................................... 1,455,900
For Commodities................................... 313,200
For Printing...................................... 150,100
For Equipment................................... 1,669,900
For Telecommunications Services.................. 1,493,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment..................... 40,000
Total $105,029,400
Section 110. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For grants to Independent Living Centers......... 6,358,900
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Independent Living
Older Blind...................................... 146,100
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Supported Employment
Programs.......................................... 90,000
For Case Services to Individuals................ 14,450,900
Payable from the Illinois Veterans’
Rehabilitation Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses for
match and associated supports for federal
Vocational Rehabilitation programs, including
Case Services to Individuals .................. 6,882,900
Payable from the Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
including Case Services to Individuals,
including prior year expenses.................. 85,000,000
For Supportive Employment....................... 7,000,000
For grants to Independent Living Centers......... 6,500,000
For services authorized under the
Federal Assistive Technology Act............... 9,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Business Enterprise
Program for the Blind.......................... 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Independent Living
Older Blind.................................... 3,045,500
Section 115. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Rehabilitation Services
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Fund:
For Federally Assisted Programs.................. 2,000,000
Section 120. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenditures of the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Mental Health Fund:
For all costs associated with Medicare
Part D......................................... 1,507,900
For Costs Related to Provision of
Support Services Provided to Departmental
and Non-Departmental Organizations............. 14,000,000
For Drugs and Costs associated with
Pharmacy Services............................. 12,300,000
Payable from Mental Health Reporting Fund:
For Expenses related to Implementing
the Firearm Concealed Carry Act................. 2,500,000
Payable from DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For Federally Assisted Programs.................. 6,004,200
Section 125. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Human Services:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For expenses associated with the
Sexually Violent Persons Program................ 7,769,400
Section 130. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Vocational Programming........................ 200,000
Section 135. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Vocational Programming......................... 50,000
Section 140. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services:
Payable from Vocational Rehabilitation Fund:
For Vocational Programming........................ 120,000
Section 145. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from DHS Special Purposes Trust Fund:
For Operation of Federal Employment Programs.... 10,783,700
Payable from the DHS State Projects Fund:
For Operational Expenses for Public
Health Programs.................................. 368,000
Total $11,151,700
Section 150. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for Family and Community Services and related distributive purposes, including such Federal funds as are made available by the Federal government for the following purposes:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For a grant to Children’s Place for
costs associated with specialized child
care for families affected by HIV/AIDS............ 381,200
For grants to provide assistance to
Sexual Assault Victims and for
Sexual Assault Prevention Activities............ 7,659,700
For grants to community providers and
local governments for youth
employment programs........................... 19,000,000
For grants and administration expenses
associated with Employability Development
Services and related distributive purposes...... 6,199,500
For grants and administration expenses
associated with Food Stamp Employment
Training and related distributive purposes...... 3,651,000
For grants and administration expenses
associated with Domestic Violence Shelters
and Services program.......................... 70,910,100
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Homeless Youth Services......... 7,403,100
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Westside Health Authority
Crisis Intervention............................ 1,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
of the Comprehensive Community-Based
Services to Youth............................. 31,309,900
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Redeploy Illinois.............. 14,373,600
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with Homelessness Prevention......... 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Supportive Housing
Services...................................... 16,490,100
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Community Services.............. 7,513,800
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Teen Reach After-School
Programs...................................... 16,812,400
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Programs to Reduce Infant
Mortality, provide Case Management and
Outreach Services, and for the Intensive
Prenatal Performance Project................... 29,722,900
For grants and administrative expenses associated
with the Reimagine Public Safety Act............ 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with the State Food Purchasing
Program........................................ 2,000,000
Payable from the Assistance to the Homeless Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated to Providing Assistance to the
Homeless....................................... 1,000,000
Payable from the Specialized Services for
Survivors of Human Trafficking Fund:
For grants to organizations to prevent
Prostitution and Human Trafficking................ 100,000
Payable from the Sexual Assault Services
and Prevention Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Sexual Assault Services and
Prevention Programs.............................. 600,000
Payable from the Children's Wellness
Charities Fund:
For grants to Children’s Wellness Charities......... 50,000
Payable from the Housing for Families Fund:
For grants to Housing for Families.................. 50,000
Payable from the Illinois Affordable
Housing Trust Fund:
For Homeless Youth Services...................... 1,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Homelessness Prevention......... 4,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Emergency and Transitional
Housing....................................... 10,383,700
Payable from the Serve Illinois Commission Fund:
For expenses associated with Community Services
and Volunteer activities, including prior
year costs.................................... 15,000,000
Payable from the Employment and Training Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Employment and Training
Programs, income assistance, and other
social services, including prior
year costs.................................... 35,000,000
Payable from the Health and Human Services
Medicaid Trust Fund:
For grants for Supportive Housing Services....... 3,382,500
Payable from the Sexual Assault Services Fund:
For Grants Related to the Sexual Assault
Services Program................................. 200,000
Payable from the Gaining Early
Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate
Programs Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses including
refunds associated with G.E.A.R.U.P............. 3,516,800
Payable from the DHS Special Purposes
Trust Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with the SNAP to Success
Program........................................ 3,000,000
For Community Grants............................ 7,257,800
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Family Violence Prevention
Services...................................... 33,018,200
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Emergency Food Program
Transportation and Distribution................ 25,163,800
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with SNAP Outreach...................... 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with SSI Advocacy Services........... 1,009,400
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with SNAP Education................. 30,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Federal/State Employment
Programs and Related Services................... 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with the SNAP Program............... 40,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
Associated with the Local Food Purchase
Assistance program............................ 13,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Refugee Resettlement
Purchase of Services.......................... 50,611,200
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Race to the Top Program......... 5,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with JTED-SNAP Pilot Employment
and Training Program........................... 5,000,000
Payable from the Domestic Violence Abuser
Services Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Domestic Violence
Abuser Services.................................. 250,000
Payable from the DHS Federal Projects Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with implementing Public
Health Programs............................... 10,742,300
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Emergency Solutions
Grants Program, including prior year costs..... 60,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with COVID-19 Prevention
Programs, including prior year costs........... 20,000,000
Payable from the USDA Women, Infants and
Children Fund:
For Grants for the Federal Commodity
Supplemental Food Program....................... 1,400,000
For Grants for Free Distribution of
Food Supplies and for Grants for
Nutrition Program Food Centers under
the USDA Women, Infants, and Children
(WIC) Nutrition Program....................... 230,000,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the USDA Farmer's
Market Nutrition Program......................... 500,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with administering the
USDA Women, Infants, and Children
(WIC) Nutrition Program, including
grants to public and private agencies.......... 75,049,000
Payable from the Hunger Relief Fund:
For Grants for food banks for the
purchase of food and related supplies
for low income persons........................... 250,000
Payable from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery Fund:
For a Grant to the Coalition for
Technical Assistance and Training................. 250,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Children’s Health Programs...... 1,138,800
Payable from the Thriving Youth Income Tax
Checkoff Fund:
For grants to Non-Medicaid community-based
youth programs................................... 150,000
Payable from the Local Initiative Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Donated Funds
Initiative Program............................ 22,729,400
Payable from the Domestic Violence Shelter
and Service Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Domestic Violence Shelters
and Services Program............................. 952,200
Payable from the Homelessness Prevention
Revenue Fund:
For grants related to Homelessness
Prevention..................................... 2,000,000
Payable from the Juvenile Justice Trust Fund:
For Grants and administrative expenses
associated with Juvenile Justice
Planning and Action Grants for Local
Units of Government and Non-Profit
Organizations, including prior year costs....... 3,000,000
Section 155. The sum of $200,300,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses of the Home Illinois Program, including pilot programs, to prevent and end homelessness in Illinois, including, but not limited to homelessness prevention, emergency and transitional housing, rapid rehousing, outreach, and related services and supports for individuals at risk or experiencing homelessness.
Section 160. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Ronald McDonald House Charities Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana.
Section 165. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Ronald McDonald House Charities Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois.
Section 170. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much of that amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Off-Hours Child Care Program Fund to the Department of Human Services for costs associated with the Off-Hours Child Care Program created by Public Act 102-0912.
Section 175. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Department of Human Services for Early Childhood and related distributive purposes, including such Federal funds as are made available by the Federal government for the following purposes:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Early Intervention........................ 155,891,900
For grants and administration expenses
associated with Parents Too Soon/Maternal
and Child Home Visiting Program................ 9,850,300
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Healthy Families
Program....................................... 13,076,000
Payable from the Employment and Training Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Child Care Assistance
Program and other child care related
services and programs, including
prior year costs........................... 1,689,399,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Child Care Assistance
Program and other child care related
services and programs, including prior
year costs................................. 1,000,000,000
Payable from the DHS Special Purposes
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Parents Too Soon/Maternal
and Child Home Visiting Program................ 2,505,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Great START Program......... 6,200,000
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Migrant Child
Care Services, including prior year costs....... 4,422,400
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with MIEC Home Visiting Program..... 21,006,800
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with Head Start State
Collaboration.................................... 500,000
Payable from the Early Intervention
Services Revolving Fund:
For the Early Intervention Services
Program, including, prior years costs......... 220,000,000
Payable from the Maternal and Child Health
Services Block Grant Fund:
For grants and administrative expenses
associated with the Maternal and
Child Health Programs.......................... 2,000,000
Section 180. The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 190 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Peoria for expenses related to violence prevention.
Section 185. The sum of $254,974, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 200 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Friendship House for operational expenses.
Section 190. The sum of $388,274, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 205 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the East Side Health District for costs associated with Community Garden and Sexual Health Programming.
Section 195. The sum of $3,500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 210 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to implement Guaranteed Income Pilot for costs associated with operational expenses.
Section 200. The sum of $310,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 220 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for CYN Counseling Center for costs associated with administering community-based counseling and psychotherapy, and other initiatives, at two secondary education facilities in the City of Waukegan.
Section 205. The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 225 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant for the Elyssa’s Mission for operational expenses.
Section 210. The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 230 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated to the Department of Human Services from the General Revenue Fund for a grant to Loaves and Fishes Community Services for costs associated with operating costs.
Section 215. The sum of $739,031, or so much thereof may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 235 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated to the Department of Human Services from the General Revenue Fund for a grant to Rosecrance for costs associated with operations.
Section 220. The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 240 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated to the Department of Human Services from the General Revenue Fund for a grant to the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation for costs associated with first responders mental health programs.
Section 225. The sum of $560,000, or so much thereof may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 260 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to BUILD for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 230. The sum of $2,400,000, or so much thereof may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 265 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, St. Louis Chapter for costs associated with providing Albuterol, related equipment, and training in Illinois Schools.
Section 235. The sum of $1,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 275 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Cahokia Heights for operating expenses.
Section 240. The sum of $1,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 280 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of East St. Louis for operating expenses.
Section 245. The sum of $500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 285 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Venice for operating expenses.
Section 250. The sum of $500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 290 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Washington Park for operating expenses.
Section 255. The sum of $500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 295 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Madison for operating expenses.
Section 260. The sum of $319,071 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 300 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Fairmont City for operating expenses.
Section 265. The sum of $1,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 305 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Brooklyn for operating expenses.
Section 270. The sum of $1,500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 310 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the St Clair County for operating expenses.
Section 275. The sum of $800,890 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 315 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the St. Sabine Church for operating expenses.
Section 280. The sum of $300,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 320 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the WDB Cares, NFP for operating expenses.
Section 285. The sum of $378,088 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 325 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Harvey Park District for operating expenses.
Section 290. The sum of $300,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 330 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Calumet Memorial Park District for operating expenses.
Section 295. The sum of $984,993 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 335 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Ada S. Mckinley Community Services for operating expenses.
Section 300. The sum of $112,467 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 340 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to The Community Works for operating expenses.
Section 305. The sum of $200,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 345 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Youth Build for operating expenses.
Section 310. The sum of $166,667 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 350 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Employees Connections, Inc for operating expenses.
Section 315. The sum of $145,132 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 355 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of Waukegan for operating expenses.
Section 320. The sum of $190,443 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 360 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the City of North Chicago for operating expenses.
Section 325. The sum of $1,498,583 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 365 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Phalax Family Services for operating expenses.
Section 330. The sum of $1,251,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 370 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Roseland Peace Center for operating expenses.
Section 335. The sum of $908,313 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 375 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Alternative Schools Network for operating expenses.
Section 340. The sum of $433,484 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 380 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the LUV Institute for operating expenses.
Section 345. The sum of $700,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 385 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Black Researchers Collective for operating expenses.
Section 350. The sum of $583,333 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 390 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization for operating expenses.
Section 355. The sum of $700,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 395 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the South Shore Works for operating expenses.
Section 360. The sum of $100,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 400 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Alternatives for operating expenses.
Section 365. The sum of $88,313 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 405 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Howard Area Community Center for operating expenses.
Section 370. The sum of $82,201 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 415 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Black Ensemble Theater for operating expenses.
Section 375. The sum of $100,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 420 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Howard Brown Youth Center for operating expenses.
Section 380. The sum of $70,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 425 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Family Matters for operating expenses.
Section 385. The sum of $100,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 430 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Ethiopian Community Association for operating expenses.
Section 390. The sum of $55,793 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 435 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Centro Romero for operating expenses.
Section 395. The sum of $90,312 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 440 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Chinese Mutual Aid for operating expenses.
Section 400. The sum of $100,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 445 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Asian Human Services for operating expenses.
Section 405. The sum of $666,666 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 450 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Public Image Partnership for operating expenses.
Section 410. The sum of $1,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 455 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Thornton Township for operating expenses.
Section 415. The sum of $988,316 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 460 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Sangamon County for operating expenses.
Section 420. The sum of $2,225,095 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 470 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Youth Guidance for all costs associated with the Becoming a Man Program.
Section 425. The sum of $2,129,324 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 475 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Youth Guidance for all costs associated with the Working on Womanhood Program.
Section 430. The sum of $300,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 490 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Oral Health Forum for all costs associated with oral health programs.
Section 435. The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 207 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Peoria County for costs associated with residential safety improvements.
Section 440. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 560 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition for costs associated with the South Side Heroin/Opioid Task Force including, but not limited to, operations and preventative educational programs.
Section 445. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 565 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Oak Park River Forest Infant Welfare Society for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 450. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 570 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Greater St. John Baptist Church for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 455. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 575 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Wonder Works Children’s Museum for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 460. The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 580 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Prevention Partnership Inc. for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 465. The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 590 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Joliet United Cerebral Palsy Center for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 470. The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 595 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 475. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation made heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 81 of Public Act 102-0698, is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for costs associated with first responder wellness programs in the City of Chicago.
Section 480. The sum of $620,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 155 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to West Austin Development Center for all costs associated with childcare,
education, and development programs.
Section 485. The sum of $210,434, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 155 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Touched by an Angel Community Enrichment Center NFP for all costs associated with developing and operating programs for single parents.
Section 490. The sum of $113,194, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 155 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to The Answer, Inc., for all costs associated with program services for families living with autism and developmental disabilities.
Section 495. The sum of $99,727, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 155 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Black Girls Break Bread for all costs associated with organization programs and services.
Section 500. The sum of $590,648, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 155 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Prevention Partnership, Inc., for all costs associated with organization programs and services.
Section 505. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof may be necessary, is and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation made heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 91 of Public Act 102-0698, is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Special Children’s Charities for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 510. The sum of $1,400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 600 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Illinois Health Practice Alliance for costs associated with operating expenses.
Section 515. The sum of $12,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 69, Section 605 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with payments to organizations providing community-based services for persons with developmental disabilities and for intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled and alternative community programs for 16 worker recruitment and retention, including but not limited to a bonuses, for front-line personnel, including, but not limited to, direct support persons, aides, front-line supervisors, qualified intellectual disabilities professionals, nurses, and non-administrative support staff.
Section 520. The sum of $100,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants (down payment assistance, rental subsidies, security deposit subsidies, technical assistance, outreach, building an organization's capacity to develop affordable housing projects and other related purposes), mortgages, loans, or for the purpose of securing bonds pursuant to the Illinois Affordable Housing Act, administered by the Illinois Housing Development Authority.
Section 525. The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Foreclosure Prevention Program Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for grants and administrative expenses pursuant to the Foreclosure Prevention Program.
Section 530. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Foreclosure Prevention Program Graduated Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for grants and administrative expenses pursuant to the Foreclosure Prevention Program.
Section 535. The sum of $2,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for grants and administrative expenses pursuant to the Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Program.
Section 540. The sum of $1,750,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Rental Housing Support Program Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for administration of the Rental Housing Support Program.
Section 545. The sum of $25,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Rental Housing Support Program Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for rental assistance to the Rental Housing Support Program.
Section 550. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, for administration of the Illinois Affordable Housing Act.
Section 555. The sum of $177,204,811, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Department of Human Services for the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Homeowners Assistance Program authorized by Section 3206 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance, to fund the permitted purposes of the program including grants for mortgage payments, homeowner’s insurance, and utility assistance, and associated administrative costs.
Section 560. The sum of $227,827,308, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Department of Human Services for the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program authorized by Section 3201 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance, to fund the permitted purposes of the program including grants for emergency rental assistance and associated administrative costs.
Section 5. The sum of $228,270,674, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 140 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with the Reimagine Public Safety Act.
Section 10. The sum of $7,410,716, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 155 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with mental health, behavioral health, substance abuse and other services for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 15. The sum of $4,978,105, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 160 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with mental health services to first responders for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 20. The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 165 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with suicide prevention for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 25. The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 170 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses of the Housing is Recovery Pilot Program, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 30. The sum of $5,129,442, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 175 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with Teen Reach After-School Programs for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 35. The sum of $53,798,078, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 180 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants to community providers and local governments for youth employment programs for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 40. The sum of $22,364,958, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 185 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with Supportive Housing services for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 45. The sum of $727,151, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 190 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with Homeless Youth Services for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 50. The sum of $8,575,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 200 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to United Power for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 55. The sum of $81,624, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 201 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the East Bluff Community Center for operational expenses for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 60. The sum of $60,740, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 202 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the South Side Mission for operational expenses for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 65. The sum of $133,892, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 203 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the Center for Prevention of Abuse for operational expenses for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 70. The sum of $76,776, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 204 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services a grant to the Peoria County Tenth Judicial Circuit Court Visitation Center for operational expenses for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 75. The sum of $321, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 205 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Youth Guidance for all costs associated with Becoming a Man Program, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 80. The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 206 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services a grant to Peoria County for residential safety improvements for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 85. The sum of $3,894, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 210 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Working on Womanhood, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 90. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 215 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with Special Olympics Illinois, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 95. The sum of $10,956,665, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 220 of Public Act 102-0698 as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administration expenses associated with Parents Too Soon/Maternal and Child Home Visiting Program and Healthy Families, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 100. The sum of $1,783,760, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 225 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the United African Organization Welcoming Centers, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 105. The sum of $3,065,123, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 230 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with legal assistance to migrant persons, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 110. The sum of $747, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 235 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with refugee case management, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 115. The sum of $20,996, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 260 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Living To Serve to fund health disparity initiatives, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 120. The sum of $3,883,996, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 270 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to the welcoming centers, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 125. The sum of $1,595,568, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 275 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for grants and administrative expenses associated with Supportive Housing Services, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 130. The sum of $8,537,018, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 280 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Illinois Special Olympics, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 135. The sum of $9,503,673, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from appropriations heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 285 of Public Act 102-0698 is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for a grant to Illinois Special Children’s Charities/Chicago Special Olympics, for purposes permitted by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and related federal guidance.
Section 140. The sum of $40,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 515 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the purpose of making grants, forgivable loans, or loans, and administrative expenses to support the acquisition, and/or development of permanent supportive housing units and/or beds in non-congregate and congregate settings for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 145. The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 520 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority for grants, forgivable loans, loans and administrative expenses associated with the Authority’s Opening Doors Program, for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 150. The sum of $1,038,370, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 530 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services to make grants to agencies funded by the Emergency and Transitional Housing Program for the purpose of employee recruitment and retention, including, but not limited to bonuses for current staff.
Section 155. The sum of $1,100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 535 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services to make grants to agencies funded by the Homelessness Prevention Program for the purpose of employee recruitment and retention, including, but not limited to bonuses for current staff.
Section 160. The sum of $840,310, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 540 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services to make grants to agencies funded by the Homeless Youth Program for the purpose of employee recruitment and retention, including, but not limited to bonuses for current staff.
Section 165. The sum of $2,271,380, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 545 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services to make grants to agencies funded by the Supportive MI Housing (Division of Mental Health) for the purpose of employee recruitment and retention, including, but not limited to bonuses for current staff.
Section 170. The sum of $1,987,260 or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 550 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services to make grants to agencies funded by the Supportive Housing Services (Bureau of Homeless Services) for the purpose of employee recruitment and retention, including, but not limited to bonuses for current staff.
Section 175. The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2023, from an appropriation heretofore made for such purpose in Article 138, Section 555 of Public Act 102-0698, as amended, is reappropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for administration by the Illinois Housing Development Authority for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance for the ordinary and contingent expenses of Carter Temple Community Development Corporation.
Section 180. The sum of $1,049,747, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for the Illinois Housing Development Authority for grants and administrative expenses associate with COVID-19 Affordable Housing Grant Program for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 185. The sum of $15,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Fund to the Department of Human Services for the Illinois Housing Development Authority for grants, forgivable loans and administrative expenses associated with affordable housing developments eligible for federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits and/or the COVID-19 Affordable Housing Grant Program for purposes allowed by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and any associated federal guidance.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2023.