Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Public Higher Education Act. Provides that a public institution of higher education shall display the estimated costs of all required course materials and directly related course fees for no less than 75% of the total number of for-credit courses offered by the public institution of higher education. Sets forth provisions regarding the information to be displayed. Provides that the Board of Higher Education, in consultation with relevant stakeholders and any other interested party identified by the Board of Higher Education, shall adopt, by rule, a list of incidental items that are not required to be reported. Provides that by December 31, 2025, the Board of Higher Education shall submit a report to the General Assembly that details how each public institution of higher education is ensuring compliance with these provisions. Provides that a public institution of higher education shall timely provide to the Board of Higher Education any information that the Board of Higher Education determines is necessary to submit the required report. Provides for rulemaking. Effective immediately.