Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Municipal Code. Provides that a municipality may not require a police officer to issue a specific number of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests within a designated period of time (rather than may not require a police officer to issue a specific number of citations within a designated period of time). For purposes of evaluating a police officer's job performance, prohibits a municipality from comparing the average, percentage, or number of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests to be issued on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis issued (rather than the number of citations issued) by the police officer to the average, percentage, or number of citations, warnings, points of contact, stops, or arrests issued by any other police officer who has similar job duties. Removes language allowing a municipality to evaluate a police officer based on the police officer's points of contact. Provides that quotas may not be used as a criterion for an officer's demotion or penalization, including unfavorable assignments, transfer, termination, constructive dismissal, promotion, or lack of earning of any benefit, including awarded time off. Defines "quota".