Synopsis As Introduced Establishes a Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative Chief (“Chief”) to lead the State’s efforts to ensure that youth with significant and complex behavioral health needs receive appropriate community and residential services. Specifies that the Chief is to serve as a policymaker and spokesperson on children’s behavioral health issues. Directs the Chief, in coordination with specified State agencies, to develop and implement a plan to address recommendations in the forthcoming Children’s Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative Blueprint Report; to recommend policy, regulatory, and resource changes needed to accomplish the goals and objectives in the Blueprint Report; to convene stakeholders as needed; and to promote effective interagency collaboration and system integration to improve the behavioral health system for youth with significant needs. Provides that the Executive Order shall not be construed to violate State or federal law. Further provides that the Executive Order is not to be construed as a reassignment or reorganization of a State agency. Supersedes any conflicting executive orders. Specifies that the provisions of the Executive Order are severable. Effective February 24, 2023.