| | SB3645 Enrolled | | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning State government.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 5. The Children and Family Services Act is amended |
5 | | by changing Section 44 as follows: |
6 | | (20 ILCS 505/44) |
7 | | Sec. 44. Pat McGuire Child Welfare Education Fellowship |
8 | | Pilot Program. |
9 | | (a) The General Assembly makes all of the following |
10 | | findings: |
11 | | (1) The Department of Children and Family Services is |
12 | | the sole State agency for the planning and coordination of |
13 | | programs and services for the prevention of child abuse |
14 | | and neglect. The Department also provides social services |
15 | | to children and their families, operates children's |
16 | | institutions, and provides certain other rehabilitative |
17 | | and residential services. The Department contracts with |
18 | | many purchase of service agencies for the administration |
19 | | of these programs. |
20 | | (2) Due to numerous factors, including the rate of |
21 | | pay, purchase of service agencies have a high employee
22 | | turnover rate and struggle to maintain consistent |
23 | | employment levels. This high turnover is disruptive to the |
| | SB3645 Enrolled | - 2 - | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | delivery of direct child welfare services to families and |
2 | | youth in care. |
3 | | (3) A number of public institutions of higher |
4 | | education in this State offer child welfare social work |
5 | | programs that are designed to train and prepare students |
6 | | for employment in the child welfare social work field, |
7 | | including, but not limited to, employment at purchase of |
8 | | service agencies that provide direct child welfare |
9 | | services to families and youth in care. |
10 | | (4) The Department and public institutions of higher |
11 | | education have a mutual interest in providing greater |
12 | | access to child welfare social work education for a |
13 | | professional workforce that is responsive to the work of |
14 | | the Department through purchase of service agencies. |
15 | | (b) As used in this Section: |
16 | | "Department" means the Department of Children and Family |
17 | | Services. |
18 | | "Direct service" means a position in foster care services, |
19 | | intact services, foster care licensing, adoption, or |
20 | | permanency or a supervisory position in the practice area. |
21 | | "Eligible applicant" means a student who is enrolled in a |
22 | | social work program of study at a participating institution of |
23 | | higher education and who meets all of the qualifications as |
24 | | determined by the Department. |
25 | | "Participating institution" means a public university in |
26 | | this State that is a party to an
intergovernmental agreement |
| | SB3645 Enrolled | - 3 - | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | entered into with the Department in order to participate in |
2 | | the program established under this Section. |
3 | | "Tuition, university fees, and books" includes the |
4 | | customary charge for instruction and books or course material |
5 | | and the additional fixed fees charged for specified purposes |
6 | | that are required generally of students who are not program |
7 | | applicants under this Section for each academic year for which |
8 | | a program applicant under this Section actually enrolls, but |
9 | | does not include room and board, transportation fees, fees |
10 | | payable only once, breakage fees, and other contingent |
11 | | deposits that are refundable in whole or in part. The |
12 | | Department may adopt, by rule not inconsistent with this |
13 | | Section, detailed provisions concerning the computation of |
14 | | tuition, university fees, and books. |
15 | | (c) Beginning with the 2021-2022 academic year and |
16 | | continuing for a period of 6 academic years, the Department |
17 | | shall establish and administer the Pat McGuire Child Welfare |
18 | | Education Fellowship Pilot Program to provide financial |
19 | | assistance to a diverse pool of eligible students who commit |
20 | | to seek and maintain employment at a purchase of service |
21 | | agency that contracts with the Department upon graduation from |
22 | | a participating institution with a degree in social work. The |
23 | | goal of the program is to develop and support an effective and |
24 | | stable direct service child welfare workforce. Pursuant to the |
25 | | Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, each participating |
26 | | institution shall enter into and adhere to all of the |
| | SB3645 Enrolled | - 4 - | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | provisions of an
intergovernmental agreement between the |
2 | | Department and the participating institution. Subject to |
3 | | appropriation, the stipend program shall be available to |
4 | | eligible applicants in this State pursuing either a Bachelor |
5 | | of Social Work or a Master of Social Work degree at a |
6 | | participating institution. The Department may award a stipend |
7 | | of up to $10,000 each academic year for a maximum of 2 academic |
8 | | years, up to a maximum total of $20,000 in stipends for the 2 |
9 | | academic years combined, to a student under this Section if |
10 | | the participating institution and the Department find that the |
11 | | applicant meets all criteria established by the Department. |
12 | | (d) Each participating institution and the Department |
13 | | shall determine renewal criteria for assistance consistent |
14 | | with the requirements of this Section. |
15 | | (e) Each participating institution shall post on its |
16 | | Internet website the criteria and eligibility requirements to |
17 | | receive a stipend award of funds under this Section and must |
18 | | identify that the stipend awards are up to a maximum of $10,000 |
19 | | per student per academic year for a maximum of 2 academic |
20 | | years, with the total amount of stipends awarded to an |
21 | | eligible applicant or student not to exceed $20,000 for the |
22 | | duration of the eligible applicant's or student's |
23 | | participation in the program. This information must also be |
24 | | reported to the Department and the Board of Higher Education, |
25 | | and the Department and the Board shall post the information on |
26 | | their respective Internet websites. |
| | SB3645 Enrolled | - 5 - | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | (f) Prior to receiving a stipend for any academic year, an |
2 | | eligible applicant under this Section shall be required by the |
3 | | participating institution to sign an agreement with the |
4 | | Department under which the stipend recipient pledges that, |
5 | | within 6 months from the date of the stipend recipient's |
6 | | graduation from the participating institution with a Bachelor |
7 | | of Social Work or a Master of Social Work degree for which |
8 | | stipend funds were paid by the Department, the stipend |
9 | | recipient must search for, apply to, and accept full-time |
10 | | employment in a direct service position at a Department |
11 | | purchase of service agency located anywhere in this State. The |
12 | | stipend recipient must remain as a full-time employee in a |
13 | | direct service position at a Department purchase of service |
14 | | agency located anywhere in this State for at least 18 months |
15 | | for each academic year the stipend recipient received a |
16 | | stipend from the Department under the program. |
17 | | (g) If the recipient of a stipend award under this Section |
18 | | fails to search for, apply to, and accept full-time employment |
19 | | in a direct service position at a Department purchase of |
20 | | service agency located anywhere in this State within 6 months |
21 | | following the stipend recipient's graduation from a social |
22 | | work program at a participating institution, the Department |
23 | | shall require the stipend recipient to begin to repay the |
24 | | total amount of the stipend received within 90 calendar days |
25 | | after the end of the 6-month period or as agreed to by the |
26 | | Department. The repayment amount shall be prorated according |
| | SB3645 Enrolled | - 6 - | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | to the fraction of the employment obligation not completed, at |
2 | | a rate of interest equal to 5%, and, if applicable, reasonable |
3 | | attorney's and collection fees. All repayments collected under |
4 | | this Section shall be forwarded to the State Comptroller for |
5 | | deposit into the fund from which the stipend awards were paid. |
6 | | (h) A stipend recipient under this Section must |
7 | | immediately notify the participating institution and the |
8 | | Department of any changes to the stipend recipient's |
9 | | enrollment status or if the stipend recipient withdraws from |
10 | | the social work program for which the recipient was awarded a |
11 | | stipend under the program. |
12 | | (i) If a stipend recipient's qualified employment is |
13 | | terminated for any reason other than for cause, a stipend |
14 | | recipient must search for, apply to, and accept new, |
15 | | qualified, full-time employment in a direct service position |
16 | | at a Department purchase of service agency located anywhere in |
17 | | this State within 90 calendar days from the stipend |
18 | | recipient's termination of full-time employment, otherwise the |
19 | | stipend recipient is subject to the repayment of stipend funds |
20 | | to the Department. |
21 | | (j) If a stipend recipient's qualified employment is |
22 | | terminated for cause prior to the completion of the program's |
23 | | employment requirement, the stipend recipient shall repay the |
24 | | total amount of stipends received under the program within 90 |
25 | | calendar days from termination or as agreed to by the |
26 | | Department. The amount of repayment owed by the recipient |
| | SB3645 Enrolled | - 7 - | LRB102 24256 KTG 33487 b |
1 | | shall be prorated based on the amount of the employment |
2 | | requirement that has been satisfied. |
3 | | (k) On or before October 1, 2023 and each October 1 |
4 | | thereafter during the Pat McGuire Child Welfare Education |
5 | | Fellowship Pilot Program, the Department shall provide a |
6 | | report and evaluation of the results of the program at each |
7 | | participating institution to the General Assembly and the |
8 | | Office of the Governor. Each participating institution shall |
9 | | track a student's eligibility under the program, the |
10 | | completion of educational requirements, the costs of each |
11 | | student's tuition, university fees, and books, and the |
12 | | application of the recipient's stipends during the recipient's |
13 | | enrollment at the participating institution. The report shall |
14 | | also include the location in this State where each stipend |
15 | | recipient was hired and shall identify the purchase of service |
16 | | agency, the duration of the recipient's employment, and the |
17 | | termination date of the recipient's employment. |
18 | | (l) The sharing and reporting of student data under |
19 | | subsection (k) shall be in accordance with the federal Family |
20 | | Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Illinois |
21 | | School Student Records Act. All parties under this Section |
22 | | must preserve the confidentiality of information as required |
23 | | by law. The names of stipend recipients under this Section are |
24 | | not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information |
25 | | Act. |
26 | | (m) The Department is authorized to adopt rules to |