| | 10200SB2481sam001 | - 2 - | LRB102 16557 RJF 24849 a |
1 | | the workforce policies and programs needed in the future |
2 | | to combat poverty, inequality, and climate change.
3 | | (3) Rapid advancements in technology, specifically the |
4 | | automation of jobs and expanded artificial intelligence |
5 | | capability, have had and will continue to have a profound |
6 | | impact on the type, quality, and number of jobs available |
7 | | in our 21st century economy.
8 | | (4) Automation and the rise of artificial intelligence |
9 | | and predictive analytics will have major impacts on |
10 | | industries and their jobs; from the service sector to |
11 | | white collar positions, the impacts will be felt by |
12 | | millions of workers in the United States.
13 | | (5) Despite the opportunities and challenges presented |
14 | | by rapid advancements in technology, Illinois is a leader |
15 | | in the innovation and development of technology. Illinois |
16 | | has been an engine of progress, and it drives new products |
17 | | that connect people across the globe, sparking economic |
18 | | growth and building prosperity.
19 | | (6) Illinois has a large, diverse, and well-educated |
20 | | labor force ready to meet the challenges it faces.
21 | | (7) Innovative partnerships across the private and |
22 | | public sectors need to be created.
23 | | Section 10. Illinois Future of Work Task Force; duties and |
24 | | responsibilities.
25 | | (a) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force is created. The |
| | 10200SB2481sam001 | - 3 - | LRB102 16557 RJF 24849 a |
1 | | Task Force shall be proactive and plan for the future of work |
2 | | while simultaneously addressing the state of work today.
3 | | (b) The duties and responsibilities of the Task Force |
4 | | include the following:
5 | | (1) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
6 | | identify and assess the new and emerging technologies that |
7 | | have the potential to significantly affect employment, |
8 | | wages, and skill requirements.
9 | | (2) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
10 | | develop a set of job standards and working conditions that |
11 | | will ensure that future work in Illinois builds a vibrant |
12 | | middle class.
13 | | (3) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
14 | | identify the potential jobs of the future and |
15 | | opportunities to shape those jobs for the improvement of |
16 | | life for all of Illinois.
17 | | (4) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
18 | | compile research and best practices from other states and |
19 | | countries on how to deploy technology to benefit workers |
20 | | and the public good.
21 | | (5) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
22 | | develop tools to assess the impact of proposed |
23 | | technologies and evaluate their costs and benefits on |
24 | | workers, employers, the public and the State.
25 | | (6) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
26 | | identify policies and practices that will help businesses, |
| | 10200SB2481sam001 | - 4 - | LRB102 16557 RJF 24849 a |
1 | | workers, and communities thrive economically throughout |
2 | | the State of Illinois.
3 | | (7) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall |
4 | | propose workforce development, training, education, and |
5 | | apprenticeship programs for the jobs of the future.
6 | | Section 15. Membership; meetings.
7 | | (a) The members of the Illinois Future of Work Task Force |
8 | | shall include and represent the diversity of the people of |
9 | | Illinois, and shall be composed of the following:
10 | | (1) two members appointed by the Senate President, one |
11 | | of whom shall be from the business community and one of |
12 | | whom shall be from the labor community;
13 | | (2) two members appointed by the Minority Leader of |
14 | | the Senate, one of whom shall be from the business |
15 | | community and one of whom shall be from the labor |
16 | | community;
17 | | (3) two members appointed by the Speaker of the House |
18 | | of Representatives, one of whom shall be from the business |
19 | | community and one of whom shall be from the labor |
20 | | community; |
21 | | (4) two members appointed by the Minority Leader of |
22 | | the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be from |
23 | | the business community and one of whom shall be from the |
24 | | labor community;
25 | | (5) four members appointed by the Governor, one from |
| | 10200SB2481sam001 | - 5 - | LRB102 16557 RJF 24849 a |
1 | | each of the following: the business community, the labor |
2 | | community, the environmental community, and the education |
3 | | community that advocate for job growth;
4 | | (6) three members appointed by the Governor whose |
5 | | professional expertise is at the juncture of work and |
6 | | workers' rights;
7 | | (7) the Director of Labor or his or her designee;
8 | | (8) the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity |
9 | | or his or her designee;
10 | | (9) the Director of Employment Security or his or her |
11 | | designee;
12 | | (10) the Superintendent of the State Board of |
13 | | Education or his or her designee; and |
14 | | (11) the Director of the Community College Board or |
15 | | his or her designee. |
16 | | (b) Appointments for the Illinois Future of Work Task |
17 | | Force must be finalized by July 31, 2021. The Illinois Future |
18 | | of Work Task Force shall hold one meeting per month for a total |
19 | | of 7 meetings, and the first meeting must be held within 30 |
20 | | days after appointments are finalized.
The Task Force shall |
21 | | elect a chair from among its members at the first meeting of |
22 | | the Task Force. |
23 | | (c) Members of the Illinois Future of Work Task Force |
24 | | shall serve without compensation.
25 | | (d) The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity |
26 | | shall provide administrative support to the Task Force.
| | 10200SB2481sam001 | - 6 - | LRB102 16557 RJF 24849 a |
1 | | Section 20. Report; dissolution.
2 | | (a) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall issue a |
3 | | report based upon its findings in the course of performing its |
4 | | duties and responsibilities specified under Section 10. The |
5 | | report shall be written by an independent authority with |
6 | | subject matter expertise on the future of work.
7 | | (b) The Illinois Future of Work Task Force shall submit |
8 | | its final report to the Governor and the General Assembly no |
9 | | later than March 1, 2022, and is dissolved upon the filing of |
10 | | its report.
11 | | Section 25. Repeal. This Act is repealed on January 1, |
12 | | 2024.
13 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
14 | | becoming law.".