| | 10200SB0363sam001 | - 2 - | LRB102 03894 RJF 24705 a |
1 | | directors, coroners, and mortuary students. Non-transplant |
2 | | organ donation organizations do not include organizations |
3 | | that receive body parts for the purposes of |
4 | | transplantation. |
5 | | (2) Recently, non-transplant organizations that |
6 | | receive or process whole body donation or body part |
7 | | donation not for transplantation purposes, have misused or |
8 | | mishandled donor bodies and body parts. |
9 | | (3) Neither State nor federal law adequately regulates |
10 | | this industry. |
11 | | (b) As used in this Section, "Task Force" means the Task |
12 | | Force on Best Practices and Licensing of Non-Transplant Organ |
13 | | Donation Organizations. |
14 | | (c) There is created a Task Force on Best Practices and |
15 | | Licensing of Non-Transplant Organ Donation Organizations to |
16 | | review and report on national standards for best practices in |
17 | | relation to the licensing and regulation of organizations that |
18 | | solicit or accept non-transplantation whole bodies and body |
19 | | parts, including licensing standards, State regulation, |
20 | | identification of bodies and body parts, and sanctions. The |
21 | | goal of the Task Force is to research the industry, |
22 | | investigate State and local standards, and provide |
23 | | recommendations to the General Assembly and Office of the |
24 | | Governor. |
25 | | (d) The Task Force's report shall include, but not be |
26 | | limited to, standards for organizations that accept whole body |
| | 10200SB0363sam001 | - 3 - | LRB102 03894 RJF 24705 a |
1 | | and body part donation, the application process for licensure, |
2 | | best practices regarding consent, the identification, |
3 | | labeling, handling and return of bodies and body parts to |
4 | | ensure proper end-use and return to the next of kin, and best |
5 | | practices for ensuring donors and next of kin are treated with |
6 | | transparency and dignity. The report shall also evaluate and |
7 | | make a recommendation as to the area of State government most |
8 | | appropriate for licensing organizations and regulation of the |
9 | | industry. The report shall also make a recommendation on |
10 | | legislation to enact the findings of the Task Force. |
11 | | (e) The Task Force shall meet no less than 5 times between |
12 | | the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General |
13 | | Assembly and December 31, 2021. The Task Force shall prepare a |
14 | | report that summarizes its work and makes recommendations |
15 | | resulting from its review. The Task Force shall submit the |
16 | | report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and |
17 | | General Assembly no later than January 15, 2022. |
18 | | (f) The Task Force shall consist of the following 8 |
19 | | members: |
20 | | (1) the Secretary of State or his or her designee; |
21 | | (2) one member appointed by the Secretary of State |
22 | | from the Department of Organ Donor of the Office of the |
23 | | Secretary of State; |
24 | | (3) one member appointed by the President of the |
25 | | Senate; |
26 | | (4) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the |
| | 10200SB0363sam001 | - 4 - | LRB102 03894 RJF 24705 a |
1 | | Senate; |
2 | | (5) one member appointed by the Speaker of the House |
3 | | of Representatives; |
4 | | (6) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of the |
5 | | House of Representatives; |
6 | | (7) one member appointed by the Director of Public |
7 | | Health; and |
8 | | (8) one member from a University or Mortuary School |
9 | | that has experience in receiving whole body donations, |
10 | | appointed by the Governor. |
11 | | (g) The Secretary of State shall designate which member |
12 | | shall serve as chairperson and facilitate the Task Force. The |
13 | | members of the Task Force shall be appointed no later than 90 |
14 | | days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the |
15 | | 102nd General Assembly. Vacancies in the membership of the |
16 | | Task Force shall be filled in the same manner as the original |
17 | | appointment. The members of the Task Force shall not receive |
18 | | compensation for serving as members of the Task Force. |
19 | | (h) The Office of the Secretary of State shall provide the |
20 | | Task Force with administrative and other support. |
21 | | (i) This Section is repealed on July 1, 2022.
22 | | Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon |
23 | | becoming law.".