State of Illinois
Introduced 2/9/2022, by Rep. Greg Harris - Fred Crespo
Makes various Fiscal Year 2023 appropriations to the Office of the State Comptroller. Effective July 1, 2022.
AN ACT concerning appropriations.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The sum of $21,636,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of the State Comptroller, which includes in part, the approximate sum of $250,000 for the Comptroller’s Office of Inspector General.
Section 10. The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller from the Comptroller's Administrative Fund for the discharge of duties of the office.
Section 15. The sum of $50,300, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller from the State Lottery Fund for expenses in connection with the State Lottery.
Section 20. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the Office of the State Comptroller for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022:
For Personal Services and Related Lines:
Official Court Reporting.............................. 0
For Employee Retirement Contributions
Paid by the Employer.................................. 0
For State Contributions to the State
Employees’ Retirement System.......................... 0
For State Contributions to Social
Security.............................................. 0
For Travel:
For Official Court Reporting.......................... 0
For Contractual Services............................... 0
For Commodities........................................ 0
For Printing........................................... 0
For Equipment.......................................... 0
For Telecommunications................................. 0
For Electronic Data Processing...................... 0
Total............................................... $0
Section 25. The sum of $0, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the State Comptroller for ordinary and contingent expenses associated with the payment to official court reporters pursuant to law.
Section 30. The sum of $85,829,700, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund to the State Comptroller for ordinary and contingent expenses associated with the payment to official Court reporters pursuant to law.
Section 35. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Comptroller to pay the elected State officers of the Executive Branch of the State Government, at various rates prescribed by law:
For the Governor................................. 190,700
For the Lieutenant Governor...................... 145,900
For the Secretary of State....................... 168,300
For the Attorney General......................... 168,300
For the Comptroller.............................. 145,900
For the State Treasurer.......................... 145,900
Total......................................... $965,000
Section 40. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Comptroller to pay certain appointed officers of the Executive Branch of the State Government, at the various rates prescribed by law:
From General Revenue Fund:
Department on Aging
For the Director............................... 142,900
Department of Agriculture
For the Director..................................... 0
For the Assistant Director........................... 0
Department of Central Management Services
For the Director............................... 176,000
For 2 Assistant Directors...................... 299,200
Department of Children and Family Services
For the Director..................................... 0
Department of Corrections
For the Director............................... 185,700
For the Assistant Director..................... 157,900
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
For the Director............................... 176,000
For the Assistant Director..................... 149,600
Environmental Protection Agency
For the Director............................... 164,800
Department of Financial and Professional
For the Secretary.................................... 0
For the Director..................................... 0
For the Director..................................... 0
Department of Human Services
For the Secretary.............................. 185,700
For 3 Assistant Secretaries.................... 473,700
Department of Insurance
For the Director .................................... 0
Department of Juvenile Justice
For the Director............................... 148,800
Department of Labor
For the Director............................... 153,400
For the Assistant Director..................... 139,900
For the Chief Factory Inspector................. 56,100
For the Superintendent of Safety Inspection
and Education.................................. 61,700
Illinois State Police
For the Director............................... 163,900
For the Assistant Director..................... 139,800
Department of Military Affairs
For the Adjutant General....................... 142,900
For two Chief Assistants to the
Adjutant General.............................. 243,600
Department of Lottery
For the Superintendent............................... 0
Department of Natural Resources
For the Director..................................... 0
For the Assistant Director........................... 0
For six Mine Officers.......................... 101,000
For four Miners' Examining Officers............. 55,500
Illinois Labor Relations Board
For the Chairman............................... 112,200
For four State Labor Relations Board
members....................................... 403,800
For two Local Labor Relations Board
members....................................... 201,900
For the Local Labor Relations Board Chairman... 101,000
Department of Healthcare and Family Services
For the Director............................... 176,000
For the Assistant Director..................... 149,600
Department of Public Health
For the Director............................... 185,700
For the Assistant Director..................... 157,900
Department of Revenue
For the Director............................... 176,000
For the Assistant Director..................... 149,600
Property Tax Appeal Board
For the Chairman................................ 69,600
For four members............................... 224,400
Department of Veterans' Affairs
For the Director............................... 142,900
For the Assistant Director..................... 121,800
Civil Service Commission
For the Chairman................................ 32,700
For four members............................... 108,900
Commerce Commission
For the Chairman............................... 144,100
For four members............................... 503,200
Court of Claims
For the Chief Judge............................. 69,800
For the six Judges............................. 386,400
Commission on Equity and Inclusion
For the Chairman............................... 134,400
For six members................................ 767,400
State Board of Elections
For the Chairman................................ 62,900
For the Vice-Chairman........................... 51,600
For six members................................ 242,300
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
For the Director..................................... 0
For the Assistant Director........................... 0
Department of Human Rights
For the Director............................... 142,900
Human Rights Commission
For the Chairman............................... 134,400
For six members................................ 767,400
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission
For the Chairman..................................... 0
For nine members..................................... 0
Liquor Control Commission
For the Chairman................................ 41,900
For six members................................ 219,600
For the Secretary............................... 40,400
For the Chairman and one member as
designated by law, $200 per diem
for work on a license appeal
commission..................................... 55,000
Executive Ethics Commission
For nine members............................... 363,500
Illinois Power Agency
For the Director..................................... 0
Pollution Control Board
For the Chairman............................... 130,100
For four members............................... 503,200
Prisoner Review Board
For the Chairman............................... 103,100
For fourteen members of the
Prisoner Review Board.......................... 1,292,300
Secretary of State Merit Commission
For the Chairman..................................... 0
For four members................................ 55,500
Educational Labor Relations Board
For the Chairman............................... 112,200
For four members............................... 403,800
Illinois State Police
For seven members of the State Police
Merit Board, $254 per diem,
whichever is applicable in accordance
with law, for a maximum of 100
days each..................................... 177,800
Department of Transportation
For the Secretary.................................... 0
For the Assistant Secretary.......................... 0
Office of Small Business Utility Advocate
For the small business utility advocate.............. 0
Total...................................... $12,937,300
Section 45. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Comptroller to pay certain officers of the Legislative Branch of the State Government, at the various rates prescribed by law:
Office of Auditor General
For the Auditor General.......................... 184,000
For two Deputy Auditor Generals.................. 264,800
Total......................................... $448,800
Officers and Members of General Assembly
For salaries of the 118 members
of the House of Representatives at
a base salary of $72,906...................... 8,748,700
For salaries of the 59 members
of the Senate at a base salary of $72,906..... 4,447,300
Total...................................... $13,196,000
For additional amounts, as prescribed
by law, for party leaders in both
chambers as follows:
For the Speaker of the House,
the President of the Senate and
Minority Leaders of both Chambers............... 118,200
For the Majority Leader of both Chambers.......... 50,000
For the ten assistant majority and
minority leaders in the Senate.................. 222,000
For the twelve assistant majority
and minority leaders in the House............... 233,100
For the majority and minority
caucus chairmen in the Senate.................... 44,400
For the majority and minority
conference chairmen in the House................. 38,900
For the two Deputy Majority and the two
Deputy Minority leaders in the House............. 85,100
For chairmen and minority spokesmen of
standing committees in the Senate
except the Committee on
Assignments..................................... 688,100
For chairmen and minority
spokesmen of standing and select
committees in the House......................... 976,700
Total....................................... $2,456,500
For per diem allowances for the
members of the Senate, as
provided by law................................. 400,000
For per diem allowances for the
members of the House, as
provided by law................................. 800,000
For mileage for all members of the
General Assembly, as provided
by law.......................................... 450,000
Total....................................... $1,650,000
Section 50. The following named sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the State Comptroller to pay certain appointed officers of the Executive Branch of the State Government, at the various rates prescribed by law:
Department of Agriculture
For the Director
From Feed Control Fund......................... 164,800
For the Assistant Director
From Feed Control Fund......................... 139,800
Department of Children and Family Services
For the Director
From DCFS Children’s Services Fund............. 185,700
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
For the Director
From Nuclear Safety Emergency
Preparedness Fund ............................. 159,400
For the Assistant Director
From Radiation Protection Fund................. 142,900
Department of Financial and Professional
From the Professions Indirect Cost Fund
For the Secretary.............................. 167,000
For the Director............................... 142,900
For the Director............................... 153,400
Illinois Power Agency
For the Director
From the Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund.. 128,300
Department of Insurance
For the Director
From Insurance Producer Administration Fund..... 167,000
Department of Lottery
For the Superintendent
From State Lottery Fund....................... 175,600
Department of Natural Resources
Payable from Park and Conservation Fund
For the Director ............................. 164,800
For the Assistant Director..................... 154,000
Payable from Coal Mining Regulatory Fund
For six Mine Officers................................ 0
For four Miners' Examining Officers.................. 0
Department of Transportation
Payable from Road Fund
For the Secretary.............................. 185,700
For the Assistant Secretary.................... 157,900
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission
Payable from IWCC Operations Fund
For the Chairman............................... 164,100
For nine members............................. 1,406,300
Office of the State Fire Marshal
For the State Fire Marshal:
From Fire Prevention Fund...................... 142,900
Illinois Racing Board
For eleven members of the Illinois
Racing Board, $300 per diem to a
maximum $13,462 as prescribed by law:
From the Horse Racing Fund..................... 148,100
Department of Employment Security
Payable from Title III Social Security and
Employment Service Fund:
For the Director............................... 176,000
For five members of the Board
of Review...................................... 75,000
Department of Innovation and Technology
Payable from Technology Management
Revolving Fund:
For the Secretary.............................. 185,700
For the Assistant Secretary.................... 157,500
Department of Real Estate
Payable from Real Estate License
Administrative Fund:
For the Director............................... 153,400
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
Payable from Bank and Trust Company Fund:
For the Director................................. 168,400
Feed Control..................................... 304,600
DCFS Children’s Services Fund.................... 185,700
Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund....... 159,400
Radiation Protection Fund........................ 142,900
Professions Indirect Cost Fund................... 463,300
Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund............ 128,300
Insurance Producer Administration Fund........... 167,000
State Lottery Fund............................... 175,600
Park and Conservation Fund....................... 318,800
Coal Mining Regulatory Fund............................ 0
Road Fund........................................ 343,600
IWCC Operations Fund........................... 1,570,400
Fire Prevention.................................. 142,900
Horse Racing..................................... 148,100
Bank and Trust Company Fund...................... 168,400
Title III Social Security and
Employment Service Fund......................... 251,000
Technology Management Revolving Fund............. 343,200
Real Estate License Administrative Fund.......... 153,400
Total....................................... $5,166,600
Section 55. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the State Comptroller in connection with the payment of salaries for officers of the Executive and Legislative Branches of State Government:
For State Contribution to State Employees'
Retirement System:
From Horse Racing Fund................................. 0
From Fire Prevention Fund......................... 80,200
From Bank and Trust Company Fund.................. 94,500
From Title III Social Security
and Employment Service Fund..................... 140,900
From Feed and Control Fund....................... 170,900
From DCFS Children’s Services Fund............... 104,300
From Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund... 89,500
From Radiation Protection Fund.................... 80,200
From Professions Indirect Cost Fund.............. 260,000
From Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund........ 72,000
From Insurance Producer Administration Fund....... 93,700
From State Lottery Fund........................... 98,500
From Park and Conservation Fund.................. 178,900
From Coal Mining Regulatory Fund....................... 0
From Road Fund................................... 192,900
From IWCC Operations Fund........................ 881,400
From Technology Management Revolving Fund........ 192,600
From Real Estate License Administrative Fund...... 86,100
Total....................................... $2,816,600
For State Contribution to Social Security:
From General Revenue Fund...................... 1,286,300
From Horse Racing Fund............................ 11,400
From Fire Prevention Fund......................... 11,000
From Bank and Trust Company Fund.................. 11,600
From Title III Social Security
and Employment Service Fund...................... 17,500
From Feed Control Fund............................ 22,200
From DCFS Children’s Services Fund................ 11,900
From Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund... 11,500
From Radiation Protection Fund.................... 11,000
From Professions Indirect Cost Fund............... 33,900
From Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund......... 9,900
From Insurance Producer Administration Fund....... 11,600
From State Lottery Fund........................... 11,700
From Park and Conservation Fund................... 22,900
From Coal Mining Regulatory Fund....................... 0
From Road Fund.................................... 23,300
From IWCC Operations Fund........................ 120,200
From Technology Management Revolving Fund......... 23,300
From Real Estate License Administrative Fund...... 11,400
Total....................................... $1,662,600
For Group Insurance:
From Fire Prevention Fund......................... 24,700
From Bank and Trust Company Fund.................. 24,700
From Title III Social Security and
Employment Service Fund.......................... 24,700
From Feed Control Fund............................ 49,400
From DCFS Children’s Services Fund................ 24,700
From Nuclear Safety Emergency Preparedness Fund... 24,700
From Radiation Protection Fund.................... 24,700
From Professions Indirect Cost Fund............... 74,100
From Illinois Power Agency Operations Fund........ 24,700
From Insurance Producer Administration Fund....... 24,700
From State Lottery Fund........................... 24,700
From Park and Conservation Fund................... 49,400
From Coal Mining Regulatory Fund....................... 0
From Road Fund.................................... 49,400
From IWCC Operations Fund........................ 247,000
From Technology Management Revolving Fund......... 49,400
From Real Estate License Administrative Fund...... 24,700
Total......................................... $765,700
Section 60. The following named amounts, or so much thereof as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Comptroller to pay certain appointed officers of the Executive Branch of the State Government, at the various rates prescribed by law:
Executive Inspector Generals
For the Executive Inspector General for the
Office of the Governor.......................... 150,000
For the Executive Inspector General for the
Office of the Attorney General.................. 120,000
For the Executive Inspector General for the
Office of the Secretary of State................ 120,000
For the Executive Inspector General for the
Office of the Comptroller....................... 100,000
For the Executive Inspector General for the
Office of the Treasurer......................... 100,000
Total......................................... $590,000
Section 65. The amount of $1,722,900, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the State Comptroller for contingencies in the event that any amounts appropriated in Sections 35 through 60 of this Article are insufficient.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2022.