Synopsis As Introduced Calls for agencies to have broader disclosure of non-legislated programs on budget forms. Calls for data collection and evidence-based practices for violence prevention grantees and for new programs to have a 3-year spending plan attached. Calls for the creation of a publicly accessible database for government programs, assistance, grantees, and funding that is searchable by the zip code of the area of service. Calls for agencies to be more targeted with the purpose and location of Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs). Calls for the establishment of a task force or commission with experts from the fields of economics, public health, social work, law enforcement, grant distribution, and public policy as well as representatives from government agencies and community organizations to provide policy recommendations to the General Assembly. Calls for a general performance audit by the Auditor General of grant programs and recipients of violence prevention grants awarded by the Department of Human Services and the illinois Criminal Justice information Authority.