Synopsis As Introduced Contains a preamble concerning COVID-19, the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations declaring all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area, and other matters. Pursuant to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act and consistent with the powers set forth in the State's public health laws, orders the following, effective July 27, 2020 at 5:00 pm and for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, which currently extends through August 22, 2020: the Department of Corrections will resume accepting the transfer of individuals from Illinois county jails; the scheduling of the arrival of individuals from county jails and the intake process to ensure the health and safety of the transferring individuals, as well as all individuals and staff at the Department, shall be within the sole discretion of the Director of Corrections; in determining the timing of the arrival of individuals from county jails and the specific process for transfers to the Department, the Director shall take into account specified health and safety factors; all approved transfers to the Department shall follow the a specified protocol; the Director will work closely with county sheriffs and other partners in the criminal justice system to determine whether transfer from specific county jails is feasible and to ensure that the guidelines will be implemented. Rescinds Executive Order 2020-13. Provides that the provisions of this Executive Order are severable.