Synopsis As Introduced Contains a preamble concerning COVID-19, the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations declaring all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area, and other matters. Contains a statement of intent. Supersedes Executive Order 2020-32 and Section 1 of Executive Order 2020-07. Pursuant to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, orders the following, effective immediately: (i) individuals must take specified public health steps; certain provisions cover social distancing, face coverings, elderly and vulnerable people, gatherings, and going outdoors; (ii) covered businesses, including any for-profit, nonprofit, or educational entity, must take specified public health measures; certain provisions cover retail stores, manufacturers, office buildings, restaurants and bars, fitness and exercise gyms, personal services facilities, outdoor recreation, youth day camps, and youth sports, and places of public amusement; (iii) this Executive Order does not limit the free exercise of religion; certain emergency management personnel are exempt from this Executive Order; this Executive Order does not apply to the U.S. government and does not affect services provided by State or local government needed to ensure their continuing operation or to provide for or support public health, safety, and welfare; (iv) businesses must take specified measures to ensure compliance with social distancing, face covering, and personal protective equipment requirements; (v) this Executive Order may be enforced by State and local law enforcement; businesses must follow guidance by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Department of Public Health, local public health departments, and the Workplace Rights Bureau of the Office of the Attorney General; businesses are prohibited under the Whistleblower Act from retaliating against an employee for disclosing information if the employee has reasonable cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of this Executive Order; (vi) nothing in this Executive Order alters or modifies any legal authority allowing State, county, or local government to order any quarantine or isolation requiring an individual to remain inside a particular residential property or medical facility for a limited period of time, including the duration of the public health emergency, or any closure of a specific location for a limited period of time, including the duration of the public health emergency; nothing in this Executive Order shall be construed as an exercise of any authority to order any quarantine, isolation, or closure; nothing in this Executive Order alters or modifies any legal authority allowing a county or local governmental body to enact provisions that are stricter than this Executive Order. Provides that the provisions of this Executive Order are severable and this Executive Order is meant to be read consistently with any court order regarding this Executive Order.