Synopsis As Introduced Contains a preamble concerning COVID-19, the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations declaring all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area, and other matters. Pursuant to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, orders, for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations, the suspension of School Code provisions: (1) requiring that candidates completing teacher preparation programs pass a teacher performance assessment approved by the State Board of Education; (2) requiring completion of student teaching for individuals seeking a professional educator license who hold a comparable and valid educator license or certificate from another country; (3) requiring that principal preparation programs include specific requirements for an internship; candidates who successfully complete a principal preparation program shall obtain a principal endorsement on a professional educator license regardless of whether an internship was complete; (4) requiring internships for specified endorsements on professional educator licenses; (5) requiring internships for applicants who have not been entitled by an Illinois-approved educator preparation program or applicants trained in another country; (6) requiring at least one school year of full-time supervised experience in the delivery of school psychological services; (7) requiring 150 clock hours of school-based professional experience for the school service personnel certificate with a speech-language endorsement; (8) requiring specified assessments and courses for 12th grade students; (9) requiring successful completion of a foreign language proficiency examination for students whose foreign language credit is met through an approved ethnic school program; (10) requiring physical fitness assessments; (11) requiring successful completion of certain courses as a prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma by 12th grade students who are unable to complete them because of the suspension of in-person instruction; (12) requiring 8th grade students to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of U.S. history as a prerequisite to 8th grade graduation. Also orders that: 12th grade students shall not be denied credit for apprenticeships or vocational or technical education courses allowed to be substituted for graduation requirements under the School Code due to the student's inability to complete the course substitutions because of the suspension of in-person instruction; the State Board of Education shall file emergency rules to effectuate the intent of this Executive Order, including to suspend any regulatory provision related to student graduation requirements or student teaching, supervised field experience, or internship requirements for professional educator licenses or endorsements; and Public Community College Act provisions prohibiting bids for construction purposes from being submitted electronically are suspended. Provides that the provisions of this Executive Order are severable.