Synopsis As Introduced Contains a preamble concerning COVID-19, the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations declaring all counties in the State of Illinois as a disaster area, and other matters. Pursuant to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act, orders that, for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations: a requirement in the Department of Professional Regulation Law and its accompanying rules authorizing the Secretary of Financial and Professional Regulation to take certain actions to increase the number of licensed professionals responding to the disaster is suspended to the extent it limits the Secretary's authority to those persons working under the direction of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Public Health under a declared disaster by the Governor; the requirement that the Secretary shall only exercise this authority "in coordination with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Public Health" remains in effect; in exercising this authority, the Secretary shall work closely with the Directors of the Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Public Health to ensure any impacted licensed professionals are aiding in the response to the disaster.