Synopsis As Introduced Establishes the Justice, Equity, and Opportunity Initiative in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor to: convene and create a collaborative environment, especially among stakeholders, State agencies of the executive branch under the jurisdiction of the Governor, and the organizations with which they work; improve communications across State agencies and ensure a coordinated, holistic effort to transform the criminal justice system and effective implementation of the necessary actions; support research and pilot programs to test efforts to reform the criminal justice system and provide data and analysis to assess program efficacy and guide new and different efforts; and advise decision making to ensure that the branches of Illinois government work proactively to create a more fair and equitable criminal justice system. Provides for submission of reports to the Office of the Governor and collaboration by the Initiative with State agencies. Provides that State agencies shall work cooperatively with the Initiative to define and achieve the deliverables of the Initiative. Contains provisions regarding: savings; prior executive orders; severability; and other matters. Effective immediately.