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2 | WHEREAS, Illinois' economy depends on a robust and | ||||||
3 | efficient transportation network; and
| ||||||
4 | WHEREAS, The sheer size of our State, with automobile | ||||||
5 | travel from the south to the north taking as much as 6 hours, | ||||||
6 | leaves our cities and regions relatively disconnected from each | ||||||
7 | other, slowing our economic growth; and
| ||||||
8 | WHEREAS, One major transportation project can unite the | ||||||
9 | entire State's economy, linking together business centers and | ||||||
10 | generating efficiencies and economic growth; and
| ||||||
11 | WHEREAS, An Illinois Department of Transportation study | ||||||
12 | completed by the University of Illinois at Chicago found that | ||||||
13 | an O'Hare-Union Station-Champaign-Springfield-St. Louis with a | ||||||
14 | Champaign-Indianapolis branch high speed rail line would | ||||||
15 | generate an operating surplus that would require no annual | ||||||
16 | subsidy; and
| ||||||
17 | WHEREAS, The next steps in the planning process for a | ||||||
18 | statewide high speed rail line are an investment grade | ||||||
19 | ridership analysis to allow potential private financing | ||||||
20 | entities to assess the suitability of the high speed rail line | ||||||
21 | for investment; and |
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1 | WHEREAS, The extension of the Metra Electric line south | ||||||
2 | from University Park through Will County to Kankakee has long | ||||||
3 | been a transportation objective for the south suburbs; this | ||||||
4 | high speed rail line would serve that market, bringing Kankakee | ||||||
5 | County, Will County, and southern Cook County modern | ||||||
6 | transportation access to Chicago and the southern part of the | ||||||
7 | State; and
| ||||||
8 | WHEREAS, The convention business is a major industry for | ||||||
9 | Illinois' economy; any way that could improve the | ||||||
10 | attractiveness of our convention spaces like McCormick Place to | ||||||
11 | major shows is a key component to Illinois' prosperity; and
| ||||||
12 | WHEREAS, Connecting McCormick Place, the continent's | ||||||
13 | largest exhibition venue, directly to O'Hare International | ||||||
14 | Airport, the nation's busiest airport, significantly enhances | ||||||
15 | the attractiveness of Chicago to trade shows, as it allows | ||||||
16 | visitors to avoid the chronically congested Kennedy Expressway | ||||||
17 | with a direct train ride to the existing Metra station in | ||||||
18 | McCormick Place; and
| ||||||
19 | WHEREAS, O'Hare International Airport to downtown Chicago | ||||||
20 | would serve as the
key anchor in a statewide high speed rail | ||||||
21 | line; and |
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1 | WHEREAS, Finding a way to connect the business traveler | ||||||
2 | nodes of Aurora and
Naperville with the high speed rail line to | ||||||
3 | feed the network with the residents and
business travelers | ||||||
4 | around the I-88 corridor would be extremely helpful to creating | ||||||
5 | a
financially viable high speed line; and | ||||||
6 | WHEREAS, Supporting and building new technology companies | ||||||
7 | is a key goal for creating more Illinois jobs; one of the | ||||||
8 | world's greatest centers for cutting-edge research in | ||||||
9 | technology and software is the University of Illinois at | ||||||
10 | Urbana-Champaign, but Illinois has lost thousands of graduates | ||||||
11 | to other states, which have created new technology companies | ||||||
12 | worth tens of billions of dollars; and
| ||||||
13 | WHEREAS, Connecting the University of Illinois at | ||||||
14 | Urbana-Champaign to downtown Chicago via a 50 minute high-speed | ||||||
15 | train ride is the best way to integrate the financial and | ||||||
16 | business capital of Chicago with the intellectual and | ||||||
17 | technological capital of Urbana-Champaign to support and | ||||||
18 | create new billion-dollar technology businesses in Illinois; | ||||||
19 | and
| ||||||
20 | WHEREAS, Three Fortune 500 companies are in Downstate | ||||||
21 | Illinois, Archer Daniels Midland in Decatur, Caterpillar, Inc. | ||||||
22 | in Peoria, and State Farm Insurance Companies in Bloomington; | ||||||
23 | providing a world-class high speed rail line from O'Hare to |
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1 | downstate Illinois with an eventual connecting train service to | ||||||
2 | other communities would significantly improve the entire | ||||||
3 | State's business climate, particularly for high-level | ||||||
4 | corporate executives who require convenient access to | ||||||
5 | international flights; and
| ||||||
6 | WHEREAS, Placing the St. Louis-area terminus at the East | ||||||
7 | St. Louis Metrolink station would not only save a billion | ||||||
8 | dollars by avoiding the need to build a new bridge over the | ||||||
9 | Mississippi River, as passengers could simply take the existing | ||||||
10 | Metrolink from East St. Louis into Missouri, it would also | ||||||
11 | serve as a game-changer for East St. Louis, one of the State's | ||||||
12 | most economically challenged communities; and
| ||||||
13 | WHEREAS, Several nations have sent trade delegations to | ||||||
14 | Illinois expressing sincere interest in exporting their high | ||||||
15 | speed train systems to our State; several nations have also | ||||||
16 | offered to help finance a portion of the capital construction | ||||||
17 | costs, including France, China, and Japan; and | ||||||
18 | WHEREAS, To date, Illinois has been unable to take | ||||||
19 | advantage of the interest from other nations in partially | ||||||
20 | financing and constructing a high speed rail line, mainly due | ||||||
21 | to a lack of planning; therefore, be it
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2 | CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge Governor Rauner and the | ||||||
3 | Illinois Department of Transportation to build upon the work of | ||||||
4 | the 2013 high speed rail report and immediately task their | ||||||
5 | existing consultants to prepare an investment-grade ridership | ||||||
6 | analysis for distribution to interested parties around the | ||||||
7 | world; and be it further
| ||||||
8 | RESOLVED, That we urge Governor Rauner and the Illinois | ||||||
9 | Department of
Transportation to seek federal planning funds to | ||||||
10 | help pay for this study and to consider
all potential | ||||||
11 | alternatives for a true high speed rail line that would | ||||||
12 | complement all existing
Amtrak services; and be it further | ||||||
13 | RESOLVED, That we urge all State agencies to provide any | ||||||
14 | and all assistance to the
City of Chicago in implementing this | ||||||
15 | crucial transportation project; and be it further | ||||||
16 | RESOLVED, That we commend Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for | ||||||
17 | his commitment to building high speed train service between | ||||||
18 | O'Hare International Airport and downtown Chicago and urge all | ||||||
19 | State agencies to provide any and all assistance to the City of | ||||||
20 | Chicago in implementing this crucial transportation project; | ||||||
21 | and be it further | ||||||
22 | RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be |
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1 | delivered to the Governor, the Illinois Secretary of | ||||||
2 | Transportation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the members of | ||||||
3 | the Illinois congressional delegation.