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2 | WHEREAS, Taxpayers in the State of Illinois are faced with | ||||||
3 | high
taxation; the weight of property taxes, and the process by | ||||||
4 | which they are applied is
one of the most burdensome concerns | ||||||
5 | facing Illinois homeowners, and thus there needs to be an | ||||||
6 | investigation into ways by which
Illinois government can bring | ||||||
7 | about necessary relief to homeowners
across the State; | ||||||
8 | therefore, be it
| ||||||
11 | CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created the Fair and Equitable | ||||||
12 | Assessment of Property Task Force, whose purpose is the | ||||||
13 | following: | ||||||
14 | (1) conduct a comprehensive review of State laws | ||||||
15 | relating to
Assessment of Real Property including the | ||||||
16 | appeal of
assessments at the local and State level; | ||||||
17 | (2) conduct a comprehensive review of all Statewide | ||||||
18 | Assessment
systems or Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal | ||||||
19 | systems (CAMA)
and their impact on equity; | ||||||
20 | (3) identify opportunities to consolidate, streamline,
| ||||||
21 | eliminate, or create new assessment jurisdictions; |
| |||||||
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1 | (4) conduct a comprehensive review of current | ||||||
2 | exemptions
available, the impact of these exemptions, and | ||||||
3 | the
administration or application of these exemptions; | ||||||
4 | (5) analyze the impact of TIFs on assessed values and | ||||||
5 | local
property taxes; | ||||||
6 | (6) analyze preferential assessments including farm | ||||||
7 | valuation,
open space, and developer relief; | ||||||
8 | (7) discuss the use of technology in the data | ||||||
9 | collection,
online review, CAMA analysis, and electronic | ||||||
10 | appeal filing and make
recommendations for improved | ||||||
11 | accountability and
efficiency; | ||||||
12 | (8) analyze assessment systems and legislation in the | ||||||
13 | United States
and countries worldwide; and | ||||||
14 | (9) prepare a final report to the Governor and the | ||||||
15 | General
Assembly making specific recommendations on the
| ||||||
16 | improvement of fair and equitable assessments through
| ||||||
17 | technology advancements, legislative procedural review,
| ||||||
18 | consolidation, streamlining, and/or creation of new
| ||||||
19 | jurisdictions with the goal to improve fair and equitable
| ||||||
20 | assessments throughout the State; and be it further |
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| |||||||
1 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall consist of the | ||||||
2 | following members: | ||||||
3 | (1) the Governor, or his or her designee, who shall | ||||||
4 | serve as Chair; | ||||||
5 | (2) the Secretary of the Illinois Department of | ||||||
6 | Revenue, or his or
her designee; | ||||||
7 | (3) four members of the House of Representatives, one | ||||||
8 | each
appointed by the President of the Senate, the Minority | ||||||
9 | Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of | ||||||
10 | Representatives, and the Minority Leader
of the House of | ||||||
11 | Representatives; and | ||||||
12 | (4) four members appointed by the Governor, or his or | ||||||
13 | her designee,
who are residents of the State of Illinois | ||||||
14 | and represent public
and private organizations with an | ||||||
15 | interest in strengthening the
fair and equitable appraisal | ||||||
16 | for real estate for property tax
purposes throughout the | ||||||
17 | State, including, but not limited to,
representatives of | ||||||
18 | units of local government and assessment
jurisdictions; | ||||||
19 | and be it further | ||||||
20 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force members shall serve without |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | compensation; if a vacancy occurs, a replacement will be | ||||||
2 | appointed by the Chair of the Task Force; and be it further | ||||||
3 | RESOLVED, That the purpose of the Task Force shall be to | ||||||
4 | study issues of
assessment equity and fairness, and make | ||||||
5 | recommendations that will
ensure accountable and efficient | ||||||
6 | delivery of uniform and transparent
property valuations for | ||||||
7 | property tax purposes; and be it further | ||||||
8 | RESOLVED, That the Illinois Department of Revenue shall
| ||||||
9 | provide staffing and administrative support to the Task Force | ||||||
10 | as
needed, including providing an ethics officer, an Open | ||||||
11 | Meeting Act
officer, and a Freedom of Information Act officer; | ||||||
12 | and be it further | ||||||
13 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall hold at least four | ||||||
14 | meetings throughout
the State, but otherwise shall meet at the | ||||||
15 | call of the Chair; and be
it further | ||||||
16 | RESOLVED, That in addition to whatever policies or | ||||||
17 | procedures it may
adopt, all operations of the Task Force will | ||||||
18 | be subject to the
provision of the Illinois Freedom of | ||||||
19 | Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et
seq.) and the Illinois Open | ||||||
20 | Meeting Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.); and be
it further | ||||||
21 | RESOLVED, That if any provision of this resolution is found |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | invalid by a
court, the remaining provisions shall remain
in | ||||||
2 | full force and effect; and be it further | ||||||
3 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall submit its final report | ||||||
4 | to the Governor
and General Assembly by December 31, 2017; and | ||||||
5 | be it further
| ||||||
6 | RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall be
dissolved upon | ||||||
7 | submission of its final report.