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2    WHEREAS, President George H.W. Bush was born to an
3upper-class New England family in Milton, Massachusetts on June
412, 1924, in an age when airplanes had four wings and money was
5made up of gold coins; and
6    WHEREAS, In June of 1942, immediately after graduating from
7an elite prep school, the teenaged President Bush enlisted in
8the U.S. Navy and set off to fight in World War II; choosing
9the dangerous service of naval aviation, he learned to take off
10from, and land on, aircraft carriers; and
11    WHEREAS, This led to one of President Bush's closest
12connections with the State of Illinois; as German and Japanese
13submarines were active in all of America's coastal salt waters,
14the U.S. Navy devised a way to train its new air groups on
15fresh water; a large Chicago-based steamboat was stripped of
16its upper works and turned into a coal-burning flattop, the
17U.S.S. Sable; from the Glenview Naval Air Station and the Lake
18Michigan-based Sable, hundreds of young American men,
19including Bush, learned the difficult and dangerous art of
20naval aviation; and
21    WHEREAS, After earning his wings, President Bush became one
22of the two youngest aviators in the U.S. Navy and was assigned



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1to the U.S.S. San Jacinto's Torpedo Squadron 51 for combat
2service in the Pacific; and
3    WHEREAS, President Bush piloted planes assigned to the
4dangerous duties of spotting and observation of enemy forces
5and emplacements, as well as releasing bombs; on September 2,
61944, while attacking the Japanese-held island of Chichijima in
7the Bonin Archipelago, his plane was hit and rendered
8unflyable; he was forced to bail out with an inflatable raft
9and floated in unfriendly waters until rescued by an American
10submarine; and
11    WHEREAS, After this incident, President Bush returned to
12combat duties in Western Pacific and Philippine waters until
13the squadron was rotated out in late 1944; he had flown 58
14combat missions and earned the Distinguished Flying Cross; and
15    WHEREAS, President Bush was able to spend the final months
16of the war stateside; in January of 1945, he married his
17sweetheart, Barbara Pierce; with the end of the war in August
18of 1945, he was discharged from the services and allowed to
19resume his education; he chose Yale College as his place of
20higher study; and
21    WHEREAS, President Bush studied economics at Yale; the
22dormitory life of younger students was not for him as he was



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1already a married man; their first son, George W. Bush, was
2born in New Haven in July of 1946; the future 43rd President's
3father graduated from Yale as a member of the Class of l948;
5    WHEREAS, As President Bush and Barbara wished to make their
6own way in the world, in 1948 they left their New England
7family homes, got into a Studebaker car with their young son,
8and drove across America to the booming oil fields of the
9Permian Basin in far west Texas; and
10    WHEREAS, As postwar America became a "car culture", oil
11industry leaders like President Bush and Barbara were at the
12forefront; developing technology encouraged the Bush family to
13move from Midland, Texas to Houston, where the President and
14his friends organized one of the first firms to successfully
15drill for crude oil in the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico;
17    WHEREAS, As a respected leader of the Houston business
18community, President Bush was elected to the United States
19House of Representatives in 1966, becoming one of the first
20Republicans elected to Congress from Texas in the 20th century;
22    WHEREAS, After leaving Congress in 1971, President Bush



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1served in a succession of high-level posts in the Nixon and
2Ford Administrations, including U.S. Ambassador to the United
3Nations (1971-1973), Chairman of the Republican National
4Committee (1973-1974), Chief of Liaison to the People's
5Republican of China (1974-1975), and Director of the Central
6Intelligence Agency (1976-1977); and
7    WHEREAS, As one of the most experienced candidates for
8national office in U.S. history, President Bush was chosen in
9August of 1980 by Ronald Reagan, a man who became Bush's mentor
10and close friend, to be his vice presidential candidate; the
11Reagan-Bush ticket was elected in a landslide in November of
121980, with Illinois voting for Reagan and Bush; and
13    WHEREAS, After serving as Vice President for eight years,
14President Bush sought the presidency in his own right; he was
15nominated by the Republicans and elected by his fellow citizens
16in November of 1988; and
17    WHEREAS, This victory included the votes of 2.3 million
18Illinoisans, who enabled the Republican candidate to carry the
19Land of Lincoln and win Illinois' 24 electoral votes; and
20    WHEREAS, Almost from the moment he stepped into the Oval
21Office, President Bush was faced with intense challenges; the
22Berlin Wall fell in November of 1989, destroying the paradigms



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1that had governed U.S. foreign policy since World War II and
2creating a new world; and
3    WHEREAS, Although this was a triumphant world for the
4United States, it was also one of increasing and frightening
5challenges; the collapse of bipolarity liberated a lot of
6national leaders and insurgent leaders, including terrorists,
7to do bad things; and
8    WHEREAS, In August of 1990, the dictator of Iraq, Saddam
9Hussein, invaded and annexed the independent country of Kuwait;
11    WHEREAS, Utilizing the experiences he had gained from his
12time in combat through his time in senior U.S. diplomacy and
13summitry, President Bush led an international coalition that
14defeated Hussein's forces, threw them out of Kuwait, and
15restored peace to the Persian Gulf region; and
16    WHEREAS, The Gulf War Coalition, which was active in
171990-91, comprised almost 1.0 million active service members,
18of whom 700,000 were U.S. troops; despite the size of this
19immense mobilization, only 149 American service members were
20killed in combat; and
21    WHEREAS, Although the leadership of President Bush will



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1forever be associated with the challenges of foreign policy and
2his leadership in the Gulf War, the 41st president was also
3active with many challenges of U.S. domestic policy; and
4    WHEREAS, One of the features of the President Bush
5Administration was sustained and cordial relations between
6both parties in Congress, which allowed many new laws to be
7passed, including measures that helped many broad segments of
8the American people; and
9    WHEREAS, President Bush was able to sign many significant
10measures into federal law, including the Americans With
11Disabilities Act of 1990; and
12    WHEREAS, After leaving office in 1993, President George and
13First Lady Barbara Bush returned to private life in Texas; the
14couple enjoyed going to baseball games played by their favorite
15team, the Houston Astros, and the company of their children,
16grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; and
17    WHEREAS, President Bush enjoyed relatively good health
18until the final years of his life and marked his 80th and 90th
19birthdays with parachute jumps from a plane, a feat which had
20saved his life in the U.S. Navy more than half a century
21earlier; and



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1    WHEREAS, In an honor shared by only one other American
2President, John Adams, President Bush was able to see one of
3his children, eldest son George W. Bush, elected the 43rd
4President of the United States in November of 2000; and
5    WHEREAS, In retirement, President Bush is known to have
6been a close advisor and counsel to President George W. Bush in
7the immense challenges faced by the new president, including
8the events of 9/11; and
9    WHEREAS, Continuing his pattern of strongly partisan but
10never embittered relations with Democrats, President Bush
11developed close and friendly relations with fellow Presidents
12Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama; and
13    WHEREAS, President Bush's final year of life was saddened
14by the death of his beloved wife, Barbara; he assured the
15nation that his wife had been sustained, and he continued to be
16sustained, by their active Christian faith and belief that
17their family would be reunited; and
18    WHEREAS, In the eyes of many observers, this faith was a
19key to President Bush's entire life, including his repeated
20assertion that a healthy America would be made up not of a
21powerful leader and passive residents, but rather of "a
22thousand points of light" made up of active citizens practicing



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1selfless leadership in their communities; and
2    WHEREAS, In the final hours of November, late Friday,
3November 30, 2018, Illinois and the United States of America
4were saddened to learn that President Bush had died in his
5Texas home at the age of 94; and
6    WHEREAS, The life of President Bush would be remembered in
7state ceremonies in Washington, D.C., and he would be laid to
8rest in the place set aside by the American people for the
9commemoration of his life and leadership, the George H. W. Bush
10Presidential Library and Museum in College Station, Texas;
11therefore, be it
14solemnly remember, commemorate, and express gratitude for the
15life of George H. W. Bush, World War II warrior and 41st
16President of the United States; and be it further
17    RESOLVED, That we pay particular attention to the fact that
18President Bush's life reaffirms that we are all Americans; a
19true leader is highly partisan with his friends, highly civil
20with his adversaries, and remembers that light has many points;
21and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
2presented to the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library and
3Museum and to George H.W. Bush's son, the 43rd President,
4George W. Bush.