| | HR1289 | | LRB100 24204 ALS 43409 r |
2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of |
3 | | Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of Margaret |
4 | | Dunson, who passed away on November 7, 2018; and
5 | | WHEREAS, Margaret Dunson was born in Brookhaven, |
6 | | Mississippi on July 8, 1933; she migrated to Chicago in 1946 |
7 | | and was a resident of the Near West Side; she joined Union Hill |
8 | | Missionary Baptist Church and graduated from Manley High School |
9 | | in 1951; she married Isaac Dunson in 1951; they moved to |
10 | | Lawndale, and she joined Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish; and
11 | | WHEREAS, Margaret Dunson worked at Sears, Roebuck and |
12 | | Company; she also worked as the parish secretary at Our Lady of |
13 | | Perpetual Help; later, after earning a certificate in early |
14 | | childhood education from the City Colleges of Chicago, she was |
15 | | instrumental in establishing a day care center that provided |
16 | | pre-education care for children in her parish; in 1978, she |
17 | | relocated to the North Austin community and became active at |
18 | | St. Peter Canisius, where she worshiped until it closed in |
19 | | 2012; she also served the North Austin community through an |
20 | | organization based out of St. Peter's; she retired from public |
21 | | service in 2012; and
22 | | WHEREAS, Margaret Dunson was a member of the 1500 North |