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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate Dr. Kyaw Naing on
4receiving the 2018 Rural Physician of Excellence Award from the
5Illinois Rural Health Association; and
6    WHEREAS, One of the biggest healthcare challenges across
7our nation is the shortage of physicians who practice in rural
8settings; and
9    WHEREAS, After completing medical school in Burma, Dr.
10Naing went on to earn his master's degree at Western Illinois
11University and his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University
12(SIU), both in Community Health Education; and
13    WHEREAS, Dr. Naing served as Director of Health Education
14at the Jackson County Health Department from 1988 to 1995; and
15    WHEREAS, In 1996, Dr. Naing completed the SIU Family
16Medicine Residency Program in Carbondale, where he has
17practiced since; and
18    WHEREAS, Dr. Naing has a true passion for community health;
19he has served as the medical director for the Jackson County
20Health Department, for Neurorestorative, a long-term community



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1care program for traumatic brain injury patients, and for
2Gateway, a drug rehabilitation and counseling program; and
3    WHEREAS, Since 2007, Dr. Naing has been a professor at the
4SIU Family Medicine Residency Program; he was awarded the Core
5Faculty Teacher of the Year Award from the class of 2016; and
6    WHEREAS, Dr. Naing serves as the medical director and also
7teaches students enrolled in SIU's Physician Assistant
8Program; and
9    WHEREAS, Due to the aging population and the demand for
10increased medical training in this area, Dr. Naing is currently
11working with Rush University to develop curriculum for the
12Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, providing a rural
13perspective to the project; and
14    WHEREAS, During his "free time", Dr. Naing enjoys traveling
15internationally with his wife, Khin; he is also an avid
16astro-photographer; and
17    WHEREAS, Dr. Naing's generosity does not end with his job;
18he and his wife, Khin, open their home and serve as hosts to
19foreign students and residents, often taking time to introduce
20them to the hidden natural beauty of the area; and



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1    WHEREAS, Dr. Naing dedication to rural practice, public
2health, and training future medical professions have made a
3huge impact on improving the health care environment in
4southern Illinois; therefore, be it
7congratulate Dr. Kyaw Naing on receiving the 2018 Rural
8Physician of Excellence Award and commend him for all his
9contributions to medicine and public health; and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to Dr. Naing as a symbol of our respect and esteem.