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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate John Martens on the
4occasion of his retirement as President of the Carpenter's
5Union Local 839; and
6    WHEREAS, John Martens began his journey with the
7Carpenter's Union at Barrington Local 2014 on May 12, 1979;
8from that day forward, he was a dedicated and active member;
9his commitment to the Brotherhood was recognized when he was
10appointed, and then elected, Conductor in 1982; the Barrington
11and Hoffman Estates Locals merged in 1984, and he continued his
12service as Conductor; in 1987, he was elected Refreshment
13Chairman, a position he successfully held until 1994; his
14service to the Board expanded when he was elected Vice
15President in 1994; he was elected Recording Secretary in 1997
16and then President in 2006, a position he has successfully held
17for the last 12 years; and
18    WHEREAS, In addition to positions on the Board, John
19Martens has served as a delegate to various conferences,
20including the AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades
21Legislative Conference, the Illinois State Council Convention,
22the Midwest Labor Management Conference, the UBC General
23Convention, and the International Apprentice Contest; and



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1    WHEREAS, John Martens extended his service beyond Local
2839, serving on the Trial Board for the Chicago Regional
3Council of Carpenters since 2000; he has represented Local 839
4as a delegate on the Council since 1994; he has also served,
5and represented Local 839, on the Hoffman Estates Economic
6Development Commission since 2008; additionally, he actively
7worked with former President T. Richard Day in establishing the
8Local's Political Action Committee to help support local
9candidates who support Union issues; and
10    WHEREAS, John Martens dedicated many hours to various
11community initiatives within the Hoffman Estates community,
12including the Hoffman Estates Fishing Derby and Sustainability
13Bird House Build and the Christmas in April Program; he also
14walked in parades to promote the Brotherhood and support
15legislative candidates, worked the political phone bank, and
16canvassed for political candidates; he has led the Local
17through difficult times of adversity and has always been an
18aggressive supporter of the Brotherhood; his service is an
19inspiration to other Brothers and Sisters; and
20    WHEREAS, John Martens was raised in Barrington; he
21graduated from Barrington High School in 1977; he joined the
22Chicago District Council of Carpenters Apprenticeship Program
23and completed his training on the job and at Washburn Trade



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1School in Chicago; he is looking forward to spending his
2retirement traveling and exploring the United States and Canada
3on his motorcycle; therefore, be it
6congratulate John Martens on his retirement as President of the
7Carpenter's Union and his 39 outstanding years of service, and
8we wish him success in his future endeavors; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to John Martens as an expression of our esteem and