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2    WHEREAS, The health and well-being of women in the State of
3Illinois is a top priority; the health and education of women
4is directly linked to improved social well-being for the entire
5community; and
6    WHEREAS, The reproductive rights of women and their ability
7to make their own decisions about how to take care of their own
8bodies should be protected; access to education and medical
9services regarding sexual health is one of those rights; and
10    WHEREAS, The Trump administration will reportedly propose
11a rule that prohibits Title X funding from going to
12organizations that perform or support abortions in addition to
13the other services they provide; and
14    WHEREAS, Federal funds already cannot be spent directly on
15abortions because of the 1976 Hyde Amendment, and any federal
16money that organizations like Planned Parenthood receive is
17instead used for other women's health services, such as
18contraception services, STD testing, breast cancer screenings,
19and other, potentially life-saving services; and
20    WHEREAS, The Trump administration's new rule would take the
21Hyde Amendment a step further and prohibit women, especially



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1those from low-income backgrounds, from having access to basic
2healthcare services; and
3    WHEREAS, The Trump administration has already attempted to
4limit access to essential services by requiring Title X grant
5applicants to support an abstinence-only sex education and
6natural family planning methods, neither of which are
7recommended by health experts as effective ways to improve
8public health nor reduce teen pregnancy; and
9    WHEREAS, Funding Title X has received bi-partisan support
10since signed into law to help reduce unplanned pregnancies as
11well as provide all women, regardless of income level, with
12basic healthcare services; and
13    WHEREAS, The Trump Administration's new rule could result
14in increased levels of teen and unplanned pregnancies since
15access to contraception services would be cut off to
16communities that rely upon Title X funding; therefore, be it
19cutting funds to these services could result in the closure of
20organizations that service urban, suburban, and rural
21communities, putting the lives of women across the nation in
22jeopardy; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That we urge the three branches of the federal
2government to continue funding Planned Parenthood and other
3similar organizations that provide basic healthcare to women,
4and to keep the Obama Era Title X guidelines; and be it further
5    RESOLVED, That we call on Governor Rauner to stand up to
6and urge the Trump administration to maintain the original
7Title X guidelines so that women in Illinois and throughout the
8country are able to receive essential healthcare services; and
9be it further
10    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
11delivered to President Donald Trump, Senate Majority Leader
12Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Speaker
13of the House Paul Ryan, House of Representatives Minority
14Leader Nancy Pelosi, all members of the Illinois Congressional
15Delegation, and Governor Rauner.