HR1060LRB100 21925 MST 39842 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Rodney Vincent "Rod"
4Hogan on the occasion of his 90th birthday; and
5    WHEREAS, Rod Hogan was born in Macon County to Everett and
6Allane Weidner Hogan on May 13, 1928; he attended a one-room
7school, where he developed a love of reading and history; he
8graduated from Warrensburg High School in 1946 and began
9attending Millikin University in Decatur in the fall of 1947;
10he joined the National Guard and became part of the 44th
11Infantry Signal Company; he was federalized into the service in
121951 and returned to Springfield at Camp Lincoln; he married
13Sue on December 27, 1951; and
14    WHEREAS, Rod Hogan and Sue spent time at Camp Cooke,
15California starting in March of 1952; Rod was then sent to New
16Jersey, where he went to work in a color lab in New York
17receiving orders to Paramount Studios where the army made
18various movies about training and the efforts for the Korean
19conflict; he was in charge of the color lab for a short time
20and was discharged in 1953; his son, Mike, was born on March 5,
211953; and
22    WHEREAS, Rod Hogan, Sue, and Mike lived in Bethany while



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1farming with Rod's brother, Dick; in 1953, Rod moved to
2Harristown to farm; he joined the American Legion post in
3Bethany in 1954, and on January 22, 1955, his son, Dan, was
4born; in 1956, they moved to their current home outside of
5Cardiff; Tom was born on March 18, 1957; and
6    WHEREAS, Rod Hogan has been active in his community,
7serving as a Round Grove Township trustee for several terms and
8supervisor for one term; he was on the Reddick School Board for
9six years, including one year as president; and
10    WHEREAS, In 1973, Rod Hogan and Dick started Hogan
11Implement in Dwight, while Rod continued to farm until he
12"retired" in 1998; and
13    WHEREAS, Rod Hogan and Sue have celebrated 66 years of
14marriage; along with their three sons and daughter-in laws,
15Beverly, Melinda, and Mary, they have eight grandchildren,
16Cari, Jenni (Nick), Matt (Laura), Will, Jack, Aindrea, and
17Shannon, as well as two great-grand daughters, Penny and Luna;
18therefore, be it
21congratulate Rodney Vincent "Rod" Hogan on his 90th birthday,
22and we wish him many more wonderful years; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to Rod Hogan as a symbol of our respect and esteem.