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2    WHEREAS, The principle of equal rights in all fields of
3American life, especially jobs and employment, is a core
4principle of the American system; and
5    WHEREAS, The principle of equal pay for all races,
6including African-Americans, is a core value that demands to be
7shared by all Americans; and
8    WHEREAS, These principles of equal rights and equal pay
9must be extended to all Americans, including
10African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian and Pacific
11Islander Americans, Native Americans, and persons of all races
12and ethnic groups; and
13    WHEREAS, The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,
14brings together the principle and the enforcement of equal
15rights for all Americans in a wide range of fields, including
16employment; and
17    WHEREAS, Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964,
18as amended, prohibits discrimination by U.S. employers who are
19covered by the Act; acts of discrimination that are prohibited
20by this Title under this Act include acts imposed on the basis
21of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; and



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1    WHEREAS, U.S. constitutional law ensures that the conduct
2of almost all employers is covered by federal law; the fight
3against discrimination cannot stop at any particular state
4line; and
5    WHEREAS, A federal administrative enforcement agency, the
6U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), is now in
7operation to oversee the enforcement of Title VII; persons who
8see or who suffer grievances against U.S. civil rights can file
9a charge of discrimination with the EEOC to complain about the
10conduct and request a hearing; and
11    WHEREAS, A substantial body of federal case law now exists
12to interpret Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and to
13provide relief and recourse for persons aggrieved by conduct in
14violation of it; therefore, be it
17commend the continuing enforcement of the federal Civil Rights
18Act of 1964, as amended, to ensure civil rights for all
19American citizens; and be it further
20    RESOLVED, That we affirm that under our federal system,
21federal law and the federal government are appropriate



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1enforcement entities for the establishment and maintenance of
2civil rights in fields that cross state lines, such as
3employment markets and employment law; and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That each of us, as Illinois legislators and as
5private individuals, set our faces firmly against and stand up
6against all forms of racial and ethnic discrimination in all
7areas, including but not limited to employment and jobs; and be
8it further
9    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to Victoria A. Lipnic, the Acting Chair of the U.S.
11Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.