| | HR0842 | | LRB100 18729 ALS 33963 r |
2 | | WHEREAS, Sexual assault is a violent crime and has |
3 | | devastating safety and health implications for every person in |
4 | | Illinois, whether they are a victim, survivor, family member, |
5 | | loved one, friend, neighbor, or co-worker of a victim; and
6 | | WHEREAS, The nation's largest anti-sexual violence |
7 | | organization, Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) |
8 | | found that one out of every six American women has been the |
9 | | victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault in her |
10 | | lifetime, and one in every three American men have experienced |
11 | | an attempted or completed sexual assault in his lifetime; and
12 | | WHEREAS, The Illinois Criminal Justice Information |
13 | | Authority and the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
14 | | (ICASA) found that more than 37,000 victims of sexual violence |
15 | | received services from an ICASA rape crisis center in Illinois |
16 | | between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2015; and
17 | | WHEREAS, The data from ICASA shows that an average of |
18 | | 10,200 victims were served annually; 60 percent of these |
19 | | victims were adults and 40 percent were children aged 17 years |
20 | | or younger; and
21 | | WHEREAS, In addition, ICASA's rape crisis centers |