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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of Arthur
4Velasquez of North Aurora, who passed away on January 27, 2017;
6    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez was born in Lockhart, Texas on
7December 30, 1934 and attended segregated schools with other
8Latino students; and
9    WHEREAS, As a young boy, Arthur Velasquez worked in his
10father's mechanic shop and learned that he was very skilled
11with his hands, which would play a role in his later life; and
12    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez became involved in politics at a
13young age and served on committees with his then-Congressman
14Lyndon Johnson; and
15    WHEREAS, In 1956, Arthur Velasquez met and married his
16wife, Alice; they were married for 41 years until her passing
17in 1997; and
18    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez became a carpenter and joined the
19United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC); in 1966, he was
20appointed as an organizer for the UBC and later became a



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1representative for the International President of the UBC,
2where he worked in several states, Puerto Rico, and the
3Caribbean; and
4    WHEREAS, In 1973, Arthur Velasquez's increased
5responsibilities with the carpenters union allowed him to move
6his family to North Aurora; and
7    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez was a true community servant and
8served on the boards of many community organizations in Aurora,
9including the United Way, the Urban League, the Hispanic
10Heritage Advisory Board, Family Counseling Service, Study
11Circles, Friends of Seniors, and Centro Panamericano; and
12    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez was heavily involved in
13Democratic politics in the Aurora area, having been a mentor
14for many elected officials, whether they were congressmen or
15township trustees; and
16    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez was a powerful voice for
17organized labor in the Aurora area; and
18    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez was a passionate advocate for
19education; after growing up in segregated schools, he fought
20for the right of all students to receive a quality education
21and saw it as a great equalizer; and



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1    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez served as president of League of
2United Latin American Citizens Council (LULAC) 5218 and the
3LULAC Council of the Aurora Foundation, where he raised more
4than $200,000 for scholarships for local students; and
5    WHEREAS, The stories of Arthur Velasquez's generosity and
6kindness in the Aurora community are countless; and
7    WHEREAS, Arthur Velasquez was the proud father of Patty,
8Valarie, Art, April, Crystal and Timothy; grandfather to Dodi,
9Jeremy, Christopher, Marcus, Jackie, Mike, Jeff, Amber,
10Autumn, Anthony, Tyler, and Sean; and great-grandfather to
11Veronica, Victoria, Mya, Liam, Camden, Saylor, Jack, Will,
12Brenna, and Jade; therefore, be it
15mourn the passing of Arthur Velasquez, and extend our sincere
16condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved
17him; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19presented to the family of Arthur Velasquez as an expression of
20our deepest sympathy.