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2    WHEREAS, Childhood trauma is trauma that can be the result
3of intentional violence, such as child physical or sexual abuse
4or domestic violence, or the result of a natural disaster,
5accidents, or war; children also may experience traumatic
6stress in response to painful medical procedures or the sudden
7loss of a parent or caregiver; and
8    WHEREAS, Childhood experiences, both positive and
9negative, have a tremendous impact on future violence,
10victimization, perpetration, and lifelong health and
11opportunity; the foundational research in this area has been
12referred to as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); and
13    WHEREAS, Adverse Childhood Experiences have been linked to
14risky health behaviors, chronic health conditions, low life
15potential, and early death, as the number of ACEs increases, so
16does the risk for negative outcomes; and
17    WHEREAS, It's our responsibility as a State to create
18healthy environments for children, even when they struggle with
19a host of challenges, and find creative outlets and solutions
20for each and every child to reach their full potential; and
21    WHEREAS, Healthy classroom environments, as studies



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1suggest, are the most effective means of combating the adverse
2impacts of trauma, but educators are limited in responding to
3trauma due to lack of resources and training; and
4    WHEREAS, Across the country, districts and states are
5working to improve school climate and culture in a way that
6prioritizes practices like social-emotional learning, trauma,
7informed teaching, and restorative justice; and
8    WHEREAS, The idea that recognizing and supporting the
9social-emotional needs of students, especially those
10experiencing trauma, is becoming embedded in what it means to
11improve the climate and culture of an entire school; and
12    WHEREAS, The State could provide various options, such as
13Trauma Sensitive Schools, Partnerships for Resilience, or
14Compassionate Schools, to help combat trauma; and
15    WHEREAS, In order to address the realities faced by the
16students of Illinois, we must assess and compile resources that
17will allow schools to evaluate their current policies and
18practices; we must coordinate with existing infrastructure,
19policies, and systems to more directly establish school climate
20and culture as a priority within the district and at the
21schools; we then must execute on the prioritization of school
22climate and culture by creating new frameworks and structures



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1that support a school's ability to address the needs of its
2student population and connect with families and the broader
3community; therefore, be it
6support schools in obtaining and sustaining the resources,
7training, and ongoing development necessary for their entire
8school community to prioritize school climate and culture; and
9be it further
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11delivered to Chicago Public Schools, the State Board of
12Education, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.