HR0726HAM001LRB100 16327 MST 36060 a


2    AMENDMENT NO. ___. Amend House Resolution 726 on page 4,
3after line 14 by inserting:
4    "RESOLVED, That we urge that the Department of Public
5Health, the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Centers for
6Disease Control and Prevention, the Illinois Governor's
7office, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Office
8of Management and Budget, and the Illinois Veterans' Home at
9Quincy to respond to the January 18 request for all
10communication between June 15, 2015 and January 12, 2018 that
11contains information directly or indirectly related to or
12referencing the Illinois Veterans' Home at Quincy,
13particularly communication regarding directly or indirectly
14Legionnaire's disease at the Illinois Veterans' Home at Quincy,
15by providing this requested information to the General
16Assembly; and be it further".