| | HR0707 | | LRB100 15795 MST 30903 r |
2 | | WHEREAS, AHF (Aids Healthcare Foundation) is the largest |
3 | | global AIDS organization and provides HIV/AIDS care and |
4 | | services, including antiretroviral treatment, to more than |
5 | | 821,000 people in 38 countries; and
6 | | WHEREAS, AHF will mark its 30th anniversary throughout the |
7 | | end of 2017 with global events, including screenings of the |
8 | | film, "Keeping the Promise-AHF 30 Years"; and
9 | | WHEREAS, AHF has made a commitment to bring new and needed |
10 | | resources to the Chicago metropolitan area to fight the |
11 | | HIV/AIDS epidemic; and
12 | | WHEREAS, AHF has established a presence in the African |
13 | | American community through its affiliation with the South Side |
14 | | Help Center; and
15 | | WHEREAS, AHF has established a presence in the Latino |
16 | | community through its affiliation with CALOR, Comprension y |
17 | | Apoyo a Latinos en Oposicion al Retrovirus; and
18 | | WHEREAS, AHF in Chicago will hold a community reception on |
19 | | November 30, 2017 to observe its 30th anniversary at Malcolm X |
20 | | College; therefore, be it