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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Dee Braden on the occasion
4of her retirement as Executive Director of the Coles County
5Council on Aging; and
6    WHEREAS, Dee Braden began her career at the Coles County
7Council on Aging as the RSVP Volunteer Recruiter in 1976; she
8was promoted to Executive Director in 1978; and
9    WHEREAS, Dee Braden has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology,
10with concentrations in Gerontology and Criminal Justice, from
11Eastern Illinois University; and
12    WHEREAS, During her time at the Coles County Council on
13Aging, Dee Braden conducted workshops, both locally and at the
14state level, on various topics relative to fund raising,
15transportation, senior center development, communicating with
16older adults, and property tax referenda passage; she
17orchestrated the passage of the first countywide property tax
18referendum in Illinois to fund services for older adults, and
19developed the LifeSpan Center, a multi-purpose
20intergenerational facility; and
21    WHEREAS, Dee Braden has received many awards for her work



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1in Coles County, including the Coles County Zonta Woman of the
2Year Award for Outstanding Community Service, the Governor's
3Award for Unique Achievement, the Illinois Association of Area
4Agencies on Aging Sid Granet "Be All You Can Be" Award, the
5Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Alpha Upsilon Chapter Diana Award for
6service from the Mattoon Chapter, as well as the state-wide
7Award, and the Agency on Aging's Leadership Award; and
8    WHEREAS, During her tenure as Executive Director, Dee
9Braden served on several boards, including the Coles County
10United Way, the Coles County Board Senior Citizens Property Tax
11Levy, the Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center Professional
12Advisory Council, the Carle Health Care Foundation Patient
13Advisory Committee, the Association of Illinois Senior
14Centers, the National Council on Aging, the Eastern Illinois
15University, Lumpkin School of Business, Masters in Gerontology
16Advisory Council, the Planned Giving Information Consortium,
17the Coles Community Health Program Advisory Board, the Illinois
18Paratransit Association, the Illinois Department on Aging:
19Illinois Senior Center Conference Planning Committee, and the
20Academy of Lifetime Learning Advisory Council, Eastern
21Illinois University; and
22    WHEREAS, Dee Braden's professional career has been devoted
23to working to enhance the quality of life by promoting
24independence, dignity, self-fulfillment, and health for older



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1adults in Coles County through advocacy, education, and
2provision of appropriate community-based services; therefore,
3be it
6congratulate Dee Braden on her retirement as Executive Director
7of the Coles County Council on Aging, and we recognize her
8extraordinary leadership, vision, and service to the Illinois
9Aging Network; we wish her the best in all of her future
10endeavors; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to Dee Braden as a symbol of our esteem and respect.