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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to recognize the 150th anniversary of the
4founding of Main Baptist Church in Aurora; and
5    WHEREAS, Main Baptist Church had its beginning in the Park
6Place Baptist Church under the guidance of Rev. Buttons; the
7church was instrumental in the transportation of runaway slaves
8to Aurora by way of the Underground Railroad; as the number of
9African American church members grew, they felt the need for
10their own place of worship, and so in June of 1867, the Colored
11Baptist Church of Aurora was founded; and
12    WHEREAS, Around the 1890s, a frame church was erected on
13the present site and the name of the church became Third
14Baptist; and
15    WHEREAS, On November 24, 1924, Third Baptist Church was
16torn down and worship services were held in the Grand Army of
17the Republic Hall, the Aurora City Hall, the Labor Temple, and
18various other places; on August 23, 1925, Rev. G. W. Alexander
19preached the sermon for the "Laying of the Cornerstone" at the
20church's current location and it was renamed Main Street
21Baptist Church; and



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1    WHEREAS, During the first 48 years, the following Ministers
2served as pastor (though not necessarily in this order): Rev.
3E.R. Moore, Rev. Edward Robinson, Rev. William Webster, Rev.
4Ernhouse, Rev. E.H. Beverly, Rev. John Ford, Rev. E.H. Norden,
5Rev. George Dickerson, Rev. Hackney, Rev. Vernon Cooper, Rev.
6William Gray, Rev. B.P.E. Gayles, Rev. C.B. Smith, and Rev.
7Alton Blake; and
8    WHEREAS, Rev. Joseph Griffin served as pastor from November
9of 1949 until November of 1954; in April of 1955, Rev. Robert
10Wesby became pastor and served until November of 1963; and
11    WHEREAS, In 1964, due to the changing names of many streets
12in Aurora, the church became known as Main Baptist Church; and
13    WHEREAS, On May 14, 1964, Rev. Robert Edward Morgan became
14pastor; he added new women trustees, a first in the life of the
15church; they were Sisters Estella Smith, Martha Dade, Tommie
16Wells, Eunice Tresenwriter, and Donna Williams; he also added
17deacons, deaconesses, Mother's Board, Nurses Aid Guild, Men's
18Club, Church Council, Youth Fellowship, and many more
19organizations; he served until 1972; and
20    WHEREAS, Dezo McGill became pastor on August 12, 1973; on
21June 8, 1980, the church mortgage was "burned"; Pastor McGill
22started the African Crusade Ministry, a team that traveled to



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1Zimbabwe, Africa for over 25 years, providing outreach to
2thousands of individuals; he retired in October of 2006 after
332 years; and
4    WHEREAS, Main Baptist Church is currently led by Rev. Dr.
5Julian E. Spencer, who joined the church on June 2, 2007; and
6    WHEREAS, Main Baptist Church continues to grow and move
7forward as a spiritual pillar in the community; therefore, be
11recognize the 150th anniversary of the founding of Main Baptist
12Church in Aurora, and we wish them many more wonderful years;
13and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to Main Baptist Church as a symbol of our respect and