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2    WHEREAS, It is in keeping with time-honored traditions to
3recognize and applaud events which foster ethnic pride and
4exemplify the cultural diversity which represents and
5strengthens the fabric of the communities of the State of
6Illinois; and
7    WHEREAS, The Puerto Rican People's Parade affirms the
8culture, identity, and self-esteem of a people; it celebrates a
9rich heritage and exemplifies Puerto Rican/Latin/a history and
10tradition, as well as the spirit of an indomitable people; and
11    WHEREAS, The 39th Puerto Rican People's Parade will be held
12on June 17, 2017 to recognize the contributions of Puerto Rican
13culture, as well as the thousands of Puerto Ricans around the
14State and nation; and
15    WHEREAS, Established to develop national awareness and
16greater appreciation of Puerto Rican culture, the Puerto Rican
17People's Parade is a tribute to the unique Puerto Rican
18heritage and ethnicity and the role its people play in American
19society; and
20    WHEREAS, This year the Parade is dedicated to "El Retorno
21Del Patriota a Su Barrio, Celebrando 50 Anos Forjando Comunidad



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1y Forjando Patria"; and
2    WHEREAS, On June 11, 2017, the National Puerto Rican Parade
3in New York City will honor Patriot Oscar Lopez Rivera with the
4Hero Award; and
5    WHEREAS, Oscar Lopez Rivera, Puerto Rico's National Hero,
6will finally walk among the community; as grand marshal for
7this year's parade, he was a pioneer, along with Don Omar as
8honored special guest, and Andy Montanez; and
9    WHEREAS, Oscar Lopez Rivera represents a symbol of hope to
10Puerto Ricans everywhere in the world, inclusive of the
11departed Jonathan Rivera Lizardi, Oscar Lopez Rivera's biggest
12fan; and
13    WHEREAS, The Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Inc., through a
14series of cultural events, including musical productions,
15plays and art exhibits throughout the United States, and
16culminating in the Puerto Rican People's Parade on June 17,
172017, champions the study, improvement, and advancement of
18Puerto Rican culture and the arts; and
19    WHEREAS, The Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Inc. is
20dedicated to preserving, promoting, and encouraging a true
21understanding and greater appreciation of the spirit and



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1largess of the Puerto Rican people; therefore, be it
4recognize with appreciation and anticipation, the worthy
5purpose and promising vision of the 39th Puerto Rican People's
6Parade which fosters ethnic pride and enhances the profile of
7cultural diversity which strengthens the fabric of the State of
8Illinois; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented to
10Jose E. Lopez, Executive Director of The Puerto Rican Cultural
11Center Juan Antonio Corretjer, Inc.