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2    WHEREAS, Healthy and vibrant communities are essential to
3the development and maintenance of a strong work force and
4general populace, which in turn supports a sustainable and
5robust manufacturing and business climate, which is essential
6to a healthy and growing economic climate in Illinois; and
7    WHEREAS, Research, innovation, market development,
8education, and training are all vital components to a robust
9economic climate in Illinois; and
10    WHEREAS, Healthy environments include clean and
11sustainable water resources, and clean air supported by the
12best practices in emissions from energy, manufacturing, and
13food production; and
14    WHEREAS, The future water needs of Illinois residents and
15businesses may increase by 20 to 50% in the coming decades;
16diseases transmitted by animals and through contaminated water
17jeopardize the health of Illinois families and workers; too
18much or too little rain can have dire impacts on lives,
19property, agriculture, and water supplies; and
20    WHEREAS, New and renewable energy sources and methods for
21mitigating greenhouse gas emissions are needed to protect our



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1environment while meeting future energy needs and supporting
2community resiliency; and
3    WHEREAS, Changing environmental conditions, insect pests,
4invasive plants and fish, and land erosion threaten crop
5production and commercial activities, potentially costing the
6Illinois economy billions of dollars; requiring conservation
7and effective management of natural resources are especially
8important today with changing land uses and declining natural
9habitats; and
10    WHEREAS, Illinois history and cultural resources are at
11risk as archaeological sites and artifacts are continually
12under threat; proper stewardship is needed to protect these
13resources for future generations; and
14    WHEREAS, The Illinois economy is enhanced by the research
15and sustainable practices developed and shared through
16extension practices at several State universities and research
17institutions, such as the Prairie Research Institute at the
18University of Illinois; and
19    WHEREAS, Applied research refers to scientific study and
20research that seeks to find solutions and solve practical
21everyday problems, cure illness, and develop innovative
22technologies; and



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1    WHEREAS, Basic scientific research is defined as
2fundamental or experimental investigative research to advance
3knowledge without a specifically envisaged or immediately
4practical application, and where the partnership between basic
5and applied research is the bedrock of innovation and economic
6development; and
7    WHEREAS, New scientific knowledge is essential not only for
8fostering innovation and promoting economic development, but
9also for informing good policy development, and as a sound
10foundation for education and training; the integration of basic
11and applied research is crucial to problem-solving,
12innovation, and product development; and
13    WHEREAS, The Prairie Research Institute at the University
14of Illinois is home to five State Scientific Surveys, including
15the Illinois Natural History Survey, the Illinois State
16Archaeological Survey, the Illinois State Geological Survey,
17the Illinois State Water Survey, and the Illinois Sustainable
18Technology Center; and
19    WHEREAS, The history of the surveys and their service to
20the residents of Illinois date to the mid-1800s and their
21collections of biological, geological, and archeological
22specimens and artifacts are equal to many scientific



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1institutions and museums around the world; and
2    WHEREAS, The researchers and staff of the Prairie Research
3Institute at the University of Illinois have been recognized
4for their expertise and practical innovation in multiple
5scientific fields, manufacturing applications, and
6agricultural development; therefore, be it
9Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois is
10recognized for its excellence in research and development of
11practical applications and practices that help address
12multiple health, environmental, agricultural, and
13manufacturing problems facing Illinois residents and
14businesses; and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That the State of Illinois reaffirms its support
16for both basic and applied research, advocates for the Prairie
17Research Institute at the University of Illinois, and
18recognizes that such institutions are a vital component of the
19Illinois economy and general welfare of the residents of the
20State of Illinois; and be it further
21    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
22presented to the Governor, the Secretary of State, the Chairman



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1of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the
2President of the University of Illinois, and the Executive
3Director of the Prairie Research Institute.