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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of Audria M.
4Thomas Huntington at the age of 87; and
5    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington was born in Bessemer, Alabama on
6September 15, 1927; she attended Paul Lawrence Dunbar and Pipe
7Shop elementary schools; she graduated in the top-10 in her
8class from Arthur Harold Parker Vocational High School in
9Birmingham, Alabama; she received her Bachelor of Science in
10Home Economics from Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama
11and her Master of Business Administration from Northern
12Illinois University; and
13    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington began teaching at Marengo High
14School in Dixon Mills, Alabama and continued in Chicago; she
15retired from the Chicago Board of Education after 44 years of
16service; she taught in grades two through college level in such
17places as Dixons Mills, Alabama, the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA in
18Atlanta, Georgia, and various Chicago Public Schools; she also
19taught at the Office of Equal Education Opportunity, the Cook
20County Juvenile Detention Center School, the Cook County Jail,
21the Illinois Training Schools for Girls in Geneva, and the
22First Cataract School in Chicago; and



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1    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington was a Life Member of Alabama A&M
2University, and a member of the National Silver Haired
3Congress, the Book Circle, and the Chicago Home Economics Club;
5    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington was involved in the 34th State
6Legislative District, where she served as chair of the Senior
7Advisory Council for State Representative Elgie R. Sims Jr.;
8she was active in helping her community for the late Chicago
9Mayor Eugene Sawyer and for Chicago Sixth Ward Alderman
10Roderick Sawyer; she spearheaded voter registration for the
11late Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and former U.S. Senator
12Roland Burris; she also helped organize one of the first black
13legislative organizations for black educators; and
14    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington was very active in her community
15and church organizations; she launched a program designed to
16focus on persons with cancer, which provided support through
17education, nutrition, and meditation; and
18    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington received numerous awards and
19certificates from many civic and educational organizations,
20including the American Correctional Association, the College
21Park Maryland Illinois Branch, the Governor of Alabama, the
22Chicago Department of Aging, Girls and Boys Town, the National
23Silver Haired Congress, the World's Who's Who of Women, the



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1International Who's Who of Intellectuals, and the
2International Register Profile; and
3    WHEREAS, Audria Huntington is survived by her daughter,
4Shirley Thompson, and her sister, Gloria Twine; therefore, be
8mourn the passing of Audria M. Thomas Huntington, and extend
9our sincere condolences to her family, friends, and all who
10knew and loved her; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Audria Huntington as an expression
13of our deepest sympathy.