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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to recognize Miriam "Mimi" Cooper
4on her retirement from the Township High School District 214
5Board of Education, and her 28 years of service as the
6longest-tenured Board member in District history; and
7    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper of Arlington Heights was first
8elected to the Board of Education in 1989 and has guided the
9District during six years as President and four years as
10Vice-President, serving more than 81,000 District 214
11graduates during her time on the Board; and
12    WHEREAS, During Miriam Cooper's tenure, all six
13comprehensive high schools have been recognized as Blue Ribbon
14Schools by the United States Department of Education and have
15continued to receive State and national academic recognition;
17    WHEREAS, District 214 high schools have been ranked among
18the top 35 open-enrollment schools in Illinois by U.S. News and
19World Report and are considered among the State's most
20challenging schools by The Washington Post; and
21    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper has helped guide District 214



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1through nearly three decades of student-centered learning,
2developing innovative new curricula, improving facilities,
3repurposing spaces for the purpose of better instruction,
4enhancing arts and athletic spaces, and constantly improving in
5line with changing demographics; and
6    WHEREAS, The White House has recognized District 214 for
7expanding workplace learning experiences, career exploration
8for all students, and for efforts to embed computer coding
9literacy within its math curriculum; and
10    WHEREAS, In partnership with the ASSA and the School
11Superintendents Association, District 214 launched "Redefining
12Ready!" to change the national dialogue regarding college and
13career readiness and to influence the development of the Every
14Student Succeeds Act accountability plans; and
15    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper has made strong fiscal
16responsibility a hallmark of her time on the Board; it has been
17marked by balanced operating budgets and strong finances; even
18as the District has grown in population she has maintained the
19highest level of excellence; and
20    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper has been a longtime advocate of
21Community Education, the Community Education Foundation, and
22now the District 214 Education Foundation, serving as a board



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1member for each organization and actively working to raise
2corporate and private funding for continued support of
3education; and
4    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper helped establish the Catherine M.
5Lee Women's and Children's Center, which helps low-income,
6female immigrants in District 214 to gain basic skills in
7speaking, listening, reading, and writing English to increase
8readiness skills for gaining employment while their children
9attend early childhood education classes; and
10    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper has worked professionally in family
11law matters; she is held in high regard by her peers and has
12been recognized multiple times as an Illinois top attorney as a
13"Super Lawyer"; she has held leadership positions in the
14Northwest Suburban Bar Association and completed mediation
15training to become a Collaborative Law Fellow; and
16    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper has used her legal expertise to help
17shape and enhance a law and equity career pathway in District
18214 and has supported student education through the mock trial
19experience; and
20    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper's tireless advocacy for public
21education, selfless service to, and enthusiastic support of
22District 214 and its programs serves as an outstanding and



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1inspirational example to thousands of students, their parents,
2and their educators; and
3    WHEREAS, Miriam Cooper's retirement from the District 214
4Board of Education becomes effective April 27, 2017; therefore,
5be it
8congratulate Miriam "Mimi" Cooper on her retirement from the
9Board of Education of Township High School District 214, and we
10recognize her dedication as the longest-serving Board member in
11the District's history; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to Miriam Cooper as an expression of our esteem and