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2    WHEREAS, 2017 marks the centennial observance of the entry
3of the United States into World War I, a war that lasted from
41914 to November 11, 1918, with the United States formally
5entering the war on April 6, 1917; and
6    WHEREAS, More than four million American men and women
7served in uniform during World War I; the United States
8suffered 375,000 casualties and 116,516 deaths; and
9    WHEREAS, More than 350,000 Illinoisans served in the
10military during World War I; the war claimed the lives of 4,266
11Illinois servicemen; and
12    WHEREAS, One out of every 12 men who fought in the United
13States Army was from Illinois; Illinois furnished more men to
14the Armed Forces during the war than any other state except New
15York and Pennsylvania; and
16    WHEREAS, Among the units that fought in the war were the
1733rd Infantry Division, which was comprised solely of Illinois
18residents, and the 370th Infantry Division, which consisted of
19mostly Illinois residents and which was the only regiment in
20the then-segregated military that consisted entirely of
21African American soldiers, including officers; and



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1    WHEREAS, Illinoisans took part in naval and aerial combat
2in some of the most hard-fought battles of the war, including
3Le Hamel, the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, the Somme Offensive, and
4around St. Mihiel; and
5    WHEREAS, The Pritzker Military Museum and Library, as a
6founding sponsor of both the United States and the Illinois
7World War I Centennial Commissions, are helping to ensure that
8Illinois, the Midwest, and the United States observe the World
9War I centennial; and
10    WHEREAS, The Illinois State Military Museum, located at
11Camp Lincoln in Springfield, tells the story of all Illinois
12veterans and of their service to our country and will be
13commemorating the centennial of World War I with educational
14programs, reenactments, and written histories; and
15    WHEREAS, Illinois National Guard troops were activated for
16duty in preparation for the war on March 26, 1917, two weeks
17before the American entry into the war; therefore, be it
20commemorate the centennial of the United States entering and
21participating in World War I beginning on March 26, 2017, the



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1date Illinois soldiers mobilized for the war effort; and be it
3    RESOLVED, That we encourage the Illinois State Military
4Museum, the Illinois World War I Centennial Committee, and all
5Illinois residents to honor and commemorate the heroic men and
6women who fought for freedom and democracy during the Great
7War; and be it further
8    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
9presented to the Illinois State Military Museum, the Pritzker
10Military Museum and Library, and the Illinois World War I
11Centennial Committee.