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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Claudia VanOpdorp on
4being crowned the 58th Miss Illinois County Fair Queen, and we
5recognize her for her tireless work and dedication; and
6    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp is the daughter of Tony and
7Juliet VanOpdorp and a sister to four siblings; she is a native
8of Annawan and a graduate of Annawan High School; and
9    WHEREAS, At a young age, and surrounded by her local
10farming community, Claudia VanOpdorp learned the value of hard
11work and persistence through many different agricultural
12activities, including showing pigs at local livestock shows and
13detasseling corn; and
14    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp won the Little Miss Henry County
15Fair Queen title before becoming the Junior Miss Henry County
16Fair Queen, and finally the 58th Miss Illinois County Fair
17Queen, becoming the only woman in Henry County history to have
18won the Triple Crown; and
19    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp has cultivated a rich life
20filled with hobbies and activities, including playing the
21French horn, cooking, hiking, the Illini Pre-Dental Club, Best



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1Buddies, Kappa Alpha Theta, IlliniThon, Meditation Group, Quad
2Cities Youth Symphony Orchestra, Henry County Election Judge,
3Sacred Heart Youth Ministry instructor and Sunday school
4teacher, Annawan Youth Group, Future Farmers of America, Health
5Careers Club, Spanish Club, drum major, band, choir,
6cheerleading, volleyball, and basketball; and
7    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp has volunteered with St. Jude
8Children's Hospital, Relay for Life, College Against Cancer,
9Hammond Henry Hospital, the Riverbend Food Bank, Braveheart
10Children's Advocacy Center, Up with Life, Toys for Needy
11Children, Holiday Mail for Heroes, and the Henry County Fair
12Fundraiser; and
13    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp has received many awards and
14scholarships including the Elk's Association Illinois Teen of
15the Year Award, the Kohl's Cares Community Service Award, the
16Gilda's Club Cancer Kickin' Scholarship, the DDS Rank Dental
17Scholarship, Poetry Out Loud State Finalist, the Helen Ehrig
18Journalism Award, the John Philip Sousa Band Award, and the
19Health Careers Club Award; she was an Illinois State Scholar,
20Class President, and in the IMEA Honors Band; and
21    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp is currently studying
22pre-dental biology at the University of Illinois with the
23future goal of becoming a dentist; and



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1    WHEREAS, As Miss Illinois County Fair Queen, Claudia
2VanOpdorp will serve as an ambassador for agriculture as she
3tours the State and educates the public on agricultural issues;
5    WHEREAS, Claudia VanOpdorp represents the very best of the
6youth of Illinois and serves as an impressive role model for
7future generations of young girls who aspire to follow their
8dreams; therefore, be it
11congratulate Claudia VanOpdorp on being crowned the 58th Miss
12Illinois County Fair Queen and for being the only Triple Crown
13winner in Henry County history; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That we wish Claudia VanOpdorp the best of luck
15in her future studies and endeavors; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to Claudia VanOpdorp as a symbol of our esteem and