| | HR0185 | | LRB100 11648 MST 22476 r |
2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of |
3 | | Representatives wish to recognize the 150th anniversary of the |
4 | | founding of Virginia Masonic Lodge #544 Ancient Free & Accepted |
5 | | Masons in 2017; and
6 | | WHEREAS, Virginia Masonic Lodge #544 was formally |
7 | | organized on April 3, 1867, and its charter was issued on |
8 | | October 1, 1867; its current building opened in 1983; and
9 | | WHEREAS, Gustave F. Hillig, a Civil War veteran, was |
10 | | elected as the first Worshipful Master and served in the |
11 | | position a total of 12 times; Robert H. Mann was the |
12 | | second-longest serving Worshipful Master with a total of 11 |
13 | | terms; and
14 | | WHEREAS, Lodge members have served as mayors, aldermen, |
15 | | city attorneys, and in the judiciary; some have served in other |
16 | | public offices, including county clerk, county board member, |
17 | | state legislator, and Congress; they have served in every |
18 | | branch of the United States military; and
19 | | WHEREAS, Lodge members support orphanages, scholarships, |
20 | | and families in need; members are strong supporters of |
21 | | education; all three cornerstones for Virginia's high schools |