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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Thomas J. Weisner on the
4occasion of his retirement as Mayor of the City of Aurora on
5October 31, 2016; and
6    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner served in various positions in
7administration for the City of Aurora for 20 years before
8becoming one of just three mayors elected to three terms; and
9    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner focused on downtown riverfront
10renewal, enhanced public safety, and the development of a
11top-notch telecommunications infrastructure; in 2014, Aurora
12was recognized as one of the top 10 safest mid-size cities in
13the nation, and in the summer of 2016, it was recognized by
14WalletHub as one of the top 20 best-run cities; and
15    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner worked to attract new jobs and bring
16in economic development to Aurora; in August of 2016, the
17unemployment rate in Aurora stood at 5.3%, well below the State
18average; and
19    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner oversaw major projects during his
20years of service, including the new Aurora Police Station,
21which opened in 2010; the new Waubonsee College downtown campus



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1complex, which opened in 2011; the RiverEdge Park, which opened
2in 2013; and the new downtown Aurora Public Library, which
3opened in 2015; and
4    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner was aggressive in modernizing
5Aurora's aging road and bridges; in 12 years, 12 major bridges
6were reconstructed; and
7    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner prioritized fixing Aurora's aging
8underground infrastructure, completing millions of dollars in
9water and sewer improvements, using green methods whenever
10possible; and
11    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner has been a leader on the regional,
12State, and national level; he served as the Chairman of the
13Chicago Metropolitan Mayors Caucus; in recognition of his
14leadership on regional issues, The DuPage Mayors and Managers
15Conference, selected him as the Governmental Leader of the Year
16in 2014; he is the founding Chairman of the Northwest Water
17Planning Alliance, one of only two regional water planning
18organizations in Illinois; and
19    WHEREAS, Prior to his time in office, Mayor Weisner served
20Aurora for 17 years in a variety of capacities; he is a former
21board member of the Illinois Toll Highway Authority, where he
22served as Co-Chair of the Strategic Planning and Customer



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1Service Committee; he served as the Kane/Kendall counties
2representative to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for
3Planning; he was an Executive Board member of the Illinois
4Municipal League, a member of the Pension Fairness for Illinois
5Communities Coalition, and past President of Metro West Council
6of Governments; and
7    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner served as an officer or board member
8with the Quad County Urban League, Family Counseling Services,
9the Boy Scouts of America, Study Circles, and the United Way;
10he is the founding Chair of the Aurora East Educational
11Foundation, and a founding member of Aurora Cares; and
12    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner has had the distinction of being the
13first Aurora mayor in a century to wear a beard throughout his
14tenure; and
15    WHEREAS, Prior to joining the City of Aurora staff in 1986,
16Mayor Weisner and his wife, Marilyn, served in the Peace Corps,
17assisting Melanesian rainforest dwellers in the highlands of
18Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands; and
19    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner attended Marmion Academy and
20Marquette University; he holds a Bachelor of Science in
21Organizational Management, Summa Cum Laude, from Aurora
22University; and



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1    WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner was born and raised in Batavia; he
2and his wife moved to Aurora in 1973; he was employed by
3Western Electric; and
4    WHEREAS, In honor of their son, Thaddeus, who passed away
5at the age of 21, The Weisner Family Trust was established to
6support children and families challenged by the effects of
7disease or disability; their foster son, Tony, joined their
8family at the age of 14; therefore, be it
11wish to congratulate Thomas J. Weisner on his retirement as
12Mayor of the City of Aurora, and we wish him the best in all his
13future endeavors; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to Mayor Weisner as an expression of our esteem and