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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are proud to recognize those citizens who have
4performed dedicated service to their State and local
5communities; and
6    WHEREAS, Dr. Frank A. Pasquale has served as Mayor of the
7Village of Bellwood since his first election in 2001; he was
8reelected in 2005, 2009, and 2013; and
9    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale is a four-decade resident of the
10Village of Bellwood; prior to serving as mayor, he served as a
11Village Trustee for the growing western suburb, and as a
12commissioner of the Memorial Park District; he also served as
13chairman of the former Addison Creek Restoration Commission, a
14State commission charged with flooding and water management
15issues for a seven-community area; and
16    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale received a Bachelor of Arts from the
17University of Illinois, and continued his education at Chicago
18State University where he earned a master's degree in guidance
19and counseling; he went on to earn a doctorate in behavioral
20science from Nova University; and
21    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale began his teaching career at St.



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1Joseph High School in Westchester, there he served as a teacher
2and director of guidance and counseling; he later became a
3vocational counselor at Wright College, one of the City
4Colleges of Chicago, before being named a Dean's Scholar and
5Honors Business Coordinator and Counselor Chairman of the
6Faculty Honors Committee; after four decades of service and
7devotion to education, he was urged to share his time and
8talents in elective public service; and
9    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has made open, honest, and
10transparent government, intergovernmental cooperation, and
11public/private partnerships the hallmark of his
12administration; he has had a strategic focus on economic
13development and capital improvement projects that are driving
14new residential and retail development; most recently, his
15leadership lead to the approval of a modern new Metra train
16station in Bellwood that will be the catalyst for the creation
17of a new downtown in the Village; and
18    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has had numerous and far-reaching
19accomplishments during his tenure which have been well
20documented by citizens, other municipalities, and the greater
21metropolitan area; while running for office in 2001, he pledged
22to pave every alley in the Village, and to facilitate new,
23brighter lighting; he kept his promise and completed the task
24on time and within budget; and



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1    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has addressed long-neglected street
2projects, solving one of the single biggest issues for Village
3residents; public safety and security have been priorities for
4the mayor who closely collaborated with and empowered Village
5police and fire departments to implement initiatives to ensure
6the highest degree of public safety possible; state-of-the-art
7wireless surveillance equipment was installed to assist the
8police, fire, and public works departments to more efficiently
9respond to and preempt a wide range of public safety issues;
10citizens were called to action to help make the community a
11safer place to live, work, and play through their active
12participation in regular Neighborhood Watch/Community Policing
13meetings; as a result of these efforts, crime in the Village
14has dropped for three consecutive years; and
15    WHEREAS, Due to his long service as an educator, Dr.
16Pasquale was prompted to embark on program initiatives that
17provide Bellwood students with the opportunity to get the best
18education possible while recognizing the vital role of computer
19technology; his commitment to closing the so-called, "digital
20divide", and his belief that literacy in this generation
21includes the ability to operate a computer and access to the
22latest technology and the Internet, the Village began an
23innovative program which offers a $200 rebate to every Bellwood
24household that purchases a new computer and computer



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1accessories; and
2    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale is active and visible in a host of
3important regional organizations, agencies, and initiatives;
4he serves as co-chair of the CREATE Task Force of the
5Metropolitan Mayors Caucus; chairman of the West Cook Railroad
6Relocation and Redevelopment Authority; commissioner emeritus
7of Memorial Park District; and as a member of the boards of the
8West Central Municipal Conference, Illinois Municipal League,
9and West Cook Boys & Girls Club; and
10    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale has been honored for his service and
11commitment to his community; he has received the Italian Civic
12Pride Award from the Italian American Executives of
13Transportation; the Leonardo da Vinci Award in Government from
14the Order Sons of Italy in America; the Municipal Leader of the
15Year Award presented by the Illinois State Crime Commission;
16the President's Reception Award from the Triton College
17Foundation; and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Italian
18American Political Coalition; and many other honors; and
19    WHEREAS, Dr. Pasquale and his wife of 45 years, Vivian,
20raised their son, Frank (Marlene) and daughter, Maria (Jason)
21in Bellwood; and are now the proud grandparents of Ann,
22Anthony, Olivia, and Luke; therefore, be it



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3recognize and honor the service of Dr. Frank A. Pasquale to the
4people of the Village of Bellwood, and we thank him for his
5dedication to education, service to his community and the
6State, and for the active role he has taken in making his
7community a safe and happy place to live, work, go to school,
8and raise a family; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That we congratulate Dr. Pasquale on the occasion
10of his retirement, and wish him health and happiness in his
11retirement years; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to Dr. Pasquale as a symbol of our esteem and