HR0121 EnrolledLRB100 08758 MST 21474 r


2    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois traditionally exercises its
3police powers to reflect local values and needs when
4determining appropriate law enforcement policies; and
5    WHEREAS, Illinois, as with many other states across the
6United States, has acted upon the issues of cannabis
7decriminalization and uses for medicinal purposes by adopting a
8variety of policies for regulating the use of cannabis; and
9    WHEREAS, Twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia
10allow for the medicinal use of cannabis; and
11    WHEREAS, Eight states have passed legislation to legalize
12the use of recreational cannabis; and
13    WHEREAS, In the enactment of legislation allowing for the
14use of cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes, states
15have provided for the regulation and taxation of the use of
16cannabis; and
17    WHEREAS, Cannabis remains a Schedule I Drug under the
18federal Controlled Substances Act, classifying it among the
19most dangerous drugs in the Act; and



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1    WHEREAS, This creates a problem for cannabis-related
2businesses that are legally operating pursuant to State law and
3makes it more difficult for consumers or businesses who are
4authorized to grow, sell, or purchase cannabis products under
5state law; and
6    WHEREAS, Many financial institutions have been unwilling
7to do business with cannabis-related businesses because of
8existing federal law and policies; and
9    WHEREAS, Many cannabis-related businesses rely upon cash
10transactions, which increases the risk of various crimes and
11impairs the ability of states to collect taxes; and
12    WHEREAS, In the interest of promoting efficient business
13practices, financial institutions should be confident in
14serving businesses legally operating in the State of Illinois
15under State law so long as safety and soundness requirements
16are met; and
17    WHEREAS, Legislation has been introduced in Congress to
18provide specific regulatory protection and immunity from
19federal prosecution for depository institutions providing
20financial services to cannabis-related businesses acting under
21applicable state law; and



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1    WHEREAS, Maintaining a business relationship with
2financial institutions will allow for greater access to loans,
3as well as debit and credit transactions for businesses serving
4the cannabis industry, their employees, and for consumers
5purchasing cannabis legally under state law; therefore, be it
8urge Congress to amend federal law to provide immunity from
9federal prosecution and regulatory protections for financial
10institutions legally providing services to cannabis-related
11businesses, licensees, and consumers pursuant to applicable
12state law; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
14delivered to President Donald Trump, U.S. Senate Majority
15Leader Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck
16Schumer, U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, U.S. House of
17Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and all members
18of the Illinois Congressional Delegation.