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2    WHEREAS, Located just outside Batavia, the Fermi National
3Accelerator Laboratory ("Fermilab") is a United States
4Department of Energy National Laboratory, specializing in high
5energy particle physics; and
6    WHEREAS, Fermilab was founded in 1967 as the National
7Accelerator Laboratory; and
8    WHEREAS, Fermilab was renamed in 1974, in honor of Enrico
9Fermi, an Italian physicist who created the world's first
10nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1, often called the
11"architect of the nuclear age" and the "architect of the atomic
12bomb"; and
13    WHEREAS, Fermilab has been the premier particles
14laboratory in the United States, whose work on the world's most
15advanced particle accelerators enables them to dig down to the
16smallest building blocks of matter; and
17    WHEREAS, The vision of Fermilab is to solve the mysteries
18of matter, energy, space, and time for the benefit of all,
19striving to lead the world in neutrino science with particle
20accelerators, lead the nation in the development of particle
21colliders and their use for scientific discovery, and advance



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1particle physics through measurements of the cosmos; and
2    WHEREAS, The mission of Fermilab is to drive discovery by
3building and operating world-leading accelerator and detector
4facilities, performing pioneering research with national and
5global partners, and developing new technologies for science
6that support U.S. industrial competitiveness; and
7    WHEREAS, The first director of the laboratory was Robert
8Rathbun Wilson, under whom the laboratory opened ahead of time
9and under budget; and
10    WHEREAS, Since Rathbun Wilson, there have been five other
11directors: Leon M. Lederman, John Peoples, Michael S.
12Witherell, Piermaria Oddone, and currently, Nigel Lockyer; and
13    WHEREAS, Since 2007, Fermilab has been operated by the
14Fermi Research Alliance, a joint venture of the University of
15Chicago and the Universities Research Association, which is
16composed of 89 research universities; and
17    WHEREAS, Fermilab is part of the Illinois Technology &
18Research Corridor; and
19    WHEREAS, Fermilab employs 1,750 scientists and engineers
20from around the world; and



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1    WHEREAS, Fermilab collaborates with more than 20 countries
2on physics experiments based in the United States and
3elsewhere; and
4    WHEREAS, Fermilab's Tevatron was a landmark particle
5accelerator, and the fourth largest particle accelerator in the
6world until it was shut down in 2011; and
7    WHEREAS, Fermilab also hosts fixed target and neutrino
8experiments; and
9    WHEREAS, The groundbreaking work done at Fermilab has led
10to the discoveries of the bottom quark, top quark, and tau
11neutrino; and
12    WHEREAS, Fermilab hosts many cultural events, including
13not only public science lectures and symposia, but also
14classical and contemporary music concerts, folk dancing, and
15art galleries; and
16    WHEREAS, The site continues to inspire the scientific minds
17of tomorrow by remaining open to the public from dawn to dusk;
18therefore, be it



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2commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Fermi National
3Accelerator Laboratory and that we encourage Fermilab, the City
4of Batavia, and the State of Illinois to continue to encourage
5the outstanding work and research that they conduct; and be it
7    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
8presented to Fermilab, the Fermi Research Alliance at the
9University of Chicago, and the United States Department of
10Energy Office of Science.