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2    WHEREAS, There were 77 murders in Chicago in November 2016,
3bringing the total in 2016 to 682; and
4    WHEREAS, The total number of shootings in Chicago in 2016
5as of December 1, 2016 was 3,319 and the total number of
6shooting victims as of December 13, 2016 was 4,177; and
7    WHEREAS, In 2015, the number of violent crimes in Illinois
8was 49,354; and
9    WHEREAS, The State of Illinois has seen a horrid outbreak
10of violent crime, seen daily on the streets of Chicago and
11other municipalities of this State; and
12    WHEREAS, The citizens of the major cities of our State see
13killings on a regular basis; and
14    WHEREAS, The fallout of the Great Recession of 2008 is
15still being felt in many parts of this State, as indicated by
16unemployment, foreclosed homes and businesses, abandoned
17properties and vacant lots, and a desperate need for economic
18development; and
19    WHEREAS, In Illinois, there are high levels of unemployment



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1and broad declines in healthcare, deteriorating
2infrastructure, and shrinking pensions and retirement savings
3as workers in all fields of education, healthcare, and public
4safety are laid off as a result of a financial crisis they did
5not create; and
6    WHEREAS, Unemployment in the neighborhoods of Chicago and
7other inner cities is at 30% or higher, with limited economic
8opportunities and underserved, overcrowded, and
9technologically outdated schools; and
10    WHEREAS, In 1967, the report of the Kerner Commission
11stated that "To pursue our present course will involve the
12continuing polarization of the American community and,
13ultimately, the destruction of basic democratic values. The
14alternative is not blind repression or capitulation to
15lawlessness. It is the realization of common opportunities for
16all within a single society"; and
17    WHEREAS, The City of Chicago has seen a year of gun
18violence among the worst in the history of the City, with 400
19people killed, a 15% increase over the previous year; on
20average, a person is shot every 2.8 hours; and
21    WHEREAS, As a State, we need to find new strategies and
22tactics and come up with solutions that protect our citizens



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1from the scourge of violent crime, recognizing that enacting
2the same policies that we have passed the last half century and
3expecting different results is, by definition, insanity; and
4    WHEREAS, Article V, Section 8 of the Illinois Constitution
5provides that the Governor shall have the supreme executive
6power, and shall be responsible for the faithful execution of
7the laws; and
8    WHEREAS, Under that authority, the Governor should declare
9a state of emergency in areas of the State where violent crime
10is a serious problem and deploy State agency resources to
11combat violent crime; therefore, be it
14urge the Governor to declare a state of emergency in areas of
15the State where violent crime is a serious problem and deploy
16State agency resources to combat that violent crime; and be it
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19forwarded to the Governor of the State of Illinois.