August 21, 2018



To the Honorable Members of

The Illinois House of Representatives,

100th General Assembly:


Today, I return House Bill 4811 with specific recommendations for change.


This legislation makes reasonable changes and cleans up the language surrounding Chicago pension funds by adjusting to whom certain annuity payments should be directed and pension boards’ liability for the actions of financial institutions that receive funds.


However, it also creates policies harmful to the accountability of these funds. This legislation would allow disability status to be examined less than annually, eroding the current accountability requirements. This would allow for unnecessary opportunities for abuse, which could affect the availability of funds for disabled participants who are deserving of them.


Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(e) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return House Bill 4811, entitled “AN ACT concerning public employee benefits”, with the following specific recommendations for change:


On page 11, by replacing line 23 with: “year by”.


With these changes, House Bill 4811 will have my approval. I respectfully request your concurrence.







Bruce Rauner